Wow, I knew I haven't posted in a while but I had no idea it has been this long. I have been busy lately. Papers, Studying for the GREs, Leadership, and GA bs. Oh, I did get to meet Billy Corgan. It was really cool. All I managed to sputter out while I was shaking his hand was "It's an honor." He said thank you. I brought a camera and took good pictures of the people before and after me, but when the person behind me too the picture of me, one of the book store assistants at the table got in the way of the picture DAMMIT. At least I have a picture of him signing my book even if the view is obscured.
These GREs may kill me. I have been trying to study 2 hours a day. That is not going so well. I am taking the test on the 21st. Not looking forward to that one.
The past two saturdays have been fun. We went to playoff games for the DC United

. They are Washington's professional soccer team. It was a lot of fun. They won both of them. The one we went to this saturday was REALLY EXCITING. It was the eastern conference championship. At the end of regulation and through overtime, the score was tied 3-3. They then went to a shoot out. It took each team 6 shots before DC finally won. It was AWESOME. The crowd went crazy, the team went crazy. It was a great experience and we had great seats. How many times in your life can you say you went to a championship game, saw one of the most exciting games in Major League Soccer history, sat in the sixth row, and paid only $18?
That is all for now. Hopefully I will update more often, but no promises. And I want to apologize if I got that awful staind song in your head because of the title. Later.