(e:scud) - I have a childhood friend who graduated from AIP. He went on to work for Electronic Arts modelling stadiums and helmets for Madden 2002 and such. Anyway I can tell you that he loved it there. I was able to see a lot of work that the students do there, and I was nothing short of amazed. You should have a really good experience there from what I've heard and seen.
Okay, I know that we're all happy that we can go to the library still, and we can still check out the BPO (at least those of us who give a shit about classical music, which based by my count last time I attended was about 30). That's great. I can only assume then that you all are happy (minus ajay I guess) that middle income families who are already choked to death by taxes now find their lives even more expensive. I suppose we could have an e-strip get together to celebrate the death of Buffalo's private sector and inability to attract jobs or keep people. And, oh yeah, you guys know that public money is going into bringing BassPro here, right? Yippee! BassPro! That's exactly what Buffalo needs is a place to buy our huntin' and fishin' supplies! I'm gonna get a shotgun to protect myself from rabid liberals! Thanks Giambra! The so-called Republicans straight up caved in, agreeing to yet another stupid tax hike that further harms everyone. We were fed this red/green budget bullshit, as if there were only two choices to be made - raise taxes or shut down government. How simple minded. Gah I'm so freaking disappointed right now. Maybe I'll just quit my job and start milking the system.