it's done
we were able to get it on VHS and send it off overnight. $42 for fedex!
keep your toes crossed for us!
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/01/2006 19:05 #23059
success05/31/2006 04:01 #23058
MAJOR DISTRESS CALL!!!!!!ok, everyone we've finished our audition tape for amazing race, and we bought 17 types of cable and accessories in order to get it form camcorder to computer and computer to tv and tv to vcr.
we were so close! but unfortunately we cannot get the movie onto a VHS tape!
we used s video cord to get it onto a tv, but somehow we are unable to get the VCR to record the footage.
this has to be sent out tomorrow, is there anyone who would be able to record this file onto a vhs tape for us? i can send you the file, its about 35MB.
PLEASE HELP!! if i win the million bucks i will personaly give 10,000 to the person who helps us, i swear!
you can view it on youtube here
when it starts, press pause and let it load first, that way you can watch it without it stopping while it loads.
we were so close! but unfortunately we cannot get the movie onto a VHS tape!
we used s video cord to get it onto a tv, but somehow we are unable to get the VCR to record the footage.
this has to be sent out tomorrow, is there anyone who would be able to record this file onto a vhs tape for us? i can send you the file, its about 35MB.
PLEASE HELP!! if i win the million bucks i will personaly give 10,000 to the person who helps us, i swear!
you can view it on youtube here

when it starts, press pause and let it load first, that way you can watch it without it stopping while it loads.
metalpeter - 05/31/06 19:13
I can't help really but I can give some advice. If you have a DVD Burner you can burn it on your computer. Then play it on a dvd player and send the out puts into the VCR. You just have to find how to except out puts.
The other thing you can do is but I don't know exactly how since I've never done it is send the out put from the computer into the VCR directly then record it on video tape.
I don't have a DVD Burner but if someone has a DVD Recorder/VCR some of them can tape between each other. Mine can but never done it before. But since I don't have a DVD burner I don't do you any good.
Hope that helps.
I can't help really but I can give some advice. If you have a DVD Burner you can burn it on your computer. Then play it on a dvd player and send the out puts into the VCR. You just have to find how to except out puts.
The other thing you can do is but I don't know exactly how since I've never done it is send the out put from the computer into the VCR directly then record it on video tape.
I don't have a DVD Burner but if someone has a DVD Recorder/VCR some of them can tape between each other. Mine can but never done it before. But since I don't have a DVD burner I don't do you any good.
Hope that helps.
jenks - 05/31/06 17:07
youtube says it's a private video. Do I need a password or something? (or you could put in on gather). I have a VCR but i haven't used it in ages. I wonder if I could burn to dvd then play the dvd on the tv and tape it? Unfortunately I don't know if I have time to do it tonight, but I will try if I have a chance.
youtube says it's a private video. Do I need a password or something? (or you could put in on gather). I have a VCR but i haven't used it in ages. I wonder if I could burn to dvd then play the dvd on the tv and tape it? Unfortunately I don't know if I have time to do it tonight, but I will try if I have a chance.
robin - 05/31/06 14:08
Check your imputs. Make sure your VCR doesn't need to be set on a special imput(which would be located on the remote menu or manually on the front) to record. I think the AUX on your monitor is the problem. Think about how you normally record off the TV and see what is different.
Check your imputs. Make sure your VCR doesn't need to be set on a special imput(which would be located on the remote menu or manually on the front) to record. I think the AUX on your monitor is the problem. Think about how you normally record off the TV and see what is different.
mrdt - 05/31/06 13:42
who the hell still uses VHS??? Everything is digital now they sould be able to view a DVD.
who the hell still uses VHS??? Everything is digital now they sould be able to view a DVD.
paul - 05/31/06 10:35
Yvonne , if you have a VHS maybe robin could help you using yours?
Yvonne , if you have a VHS maybe robin could help you using yours?
imk2 - 05/31/06 08:44
it now has to be transfered from the computer to a tv, because we had to edit it and put it together in moviemaker, so now it only exists as a .wmv file on the computer, and it HAS to be vhs, they wont accept anything else, but thanks for the offer robin!
it now has to be transfered from the computer to a tv, because we had to edit it and put it together in moviemaker, so now it only exists as a .wmv file on the computer, and it HAS to be vhs, they wont accept anything else, but thanks for the offer robin!
robin - 05/31/06 07:10
what kind of camcorder are you using? mini DV or high 8? Most of my stuff has been packed up and sent to georgia. I could do a DVD but not VHS here at my apt. I have a dv camera with mini to rca cables but no vcr.
what kind of camcorder are you using? mini DV or high 8? Most of my stuff has been packed up and sent to georgia. I could do a DVD but not VHS here at my apt. I have a dv camera with mini to rca cables but no vcr.
05/30/2006 08:30 #23057
Hot ass niagara!went to the falls yesterday and sweated my fucking ass off! it was 96 degrees, and although i do a lot of shit, i don't do 96 degrees. the only saving grace was the mist from the falls which lowered the temp about 20 points.
we drove there in (e:nejifer) 's convertible and were extra, extra, supa, dupa, fly, looking like movie stars, until we got out of the car and our hair wais fucked to high hell and our faces were melting off.
we ran around the falls like mad women, while pretending we were pirates, flamenco dancers, bull fighters, babkas's and muslim women. you might get to see it in the footage if we can work out the technical difficulties.
out secret project that we set out to do might get finished today and when it is, we will try to post it somewhere.
here is a photo of (e:ladycroft) and i, in the secret garden

and here is (e:ladycroft) looking very virginal while thinking very, very dirty thoughts! (better not be about my secret lover, jared leto!)

and here she is a la grace kelley style.

last one, lc and (e:nejifer) the beauties that they are!

we drove there in (e:nejifer) 's convertible and were extra, extra, supa, dupa, fly, looking like movie stars, until we got out of the car and our hair wais fucked to high hell and our faces were melting off.
we ran around the falls like mad women, while pretending we were pirates, flamenco dancers, bull fighters, babkas's and muslim women. you might get to see it in the footage if we can work out the technical difficulties.
out secret project that we set out to do might get finished today and when it is, we will try to post it somewhere.
here is a photo of (e:ladycroft) and i, in the secret garden

and here is (e:ladycroft) looking very virginal while thinking very, very dirty thoughts! (better not be about my secret lover, jared leto!)

and here she is a la grace kelley style.

last one, lc and (e:nejifer) the beauties that they are!

metalpeter - 05/30/06 18:42
thanks for sharing the pics Timika really does look like a nun or a statue of a nun in that one picture.
thanks for sharing the pics Timika really does look like a nun or a statue of a nun in that one picture.
nejifer - 05/30/06 17:24
You're a beauty! Thanks for a fun day :)
You're a beauty! Thanks for a fun day :)
05/24/2006 19:10 #23056
car accidenti witnessed a hit and run accident today on elmwood and cleveland. some chick was turning left from cleveland onto elmwood and didn't quite make the turn and rammed into a parked car, then she backed up and rammed the car again! she stopped and ran into amie and amy salon (spelling?) and ran back into her car and pulled off. didn't leave a note or nothing.
luckily we got her plates and called it into the police department, but they wont do anything unless the person who's car was hit, calls them first!
we were in a hurry back to work so we could not leave a note either.
if anyone knows someone who's car was parked on elmwood at cleveland at about 3pm and got two huge dents and scratches, let me know. the hit car was a beige plymouth breeze. it had a car seat in the back.
the chick drove a black hondaish car with the plates
BEN 5077
i hate shitty people!
luckily we got her plates and called it into the police department, but they wont do anything unless the person who's car was hit, calls them first!
we were in a hurry back to work so we could not leave a note either.
if anyone knows someone who's car was parked on elmwood at cleveland at about 3pm and got two huge dents and scratches, let me know. the hit car was a beige plymouth breeze. it had a car seat in the back.
the chick drove a black hondaish car with the plates
BEN 5077
i hate shitty people!
05/23/2006 22:05 #23055
this day keeps getting better and bettermy friend has been blowing up my phone all day and not leaving a message. thinking she just wanted to go out to eat, i ignored her, until i realized that she never calls more than once a day and usually leaves a message.
when i called back, she greeted me with the news that our mutual friend working here in the states from germany, was arrested for vehicular homicide. he killed a 33 year old father of 3 while driving drunk. slammed right into his car when he crossed the double yellow line. he himself has two children who live in europe.
his company posted bond at $100,000. but there is no getting around anything here. he will be doing a minimum of eight years. we are devistated. for the man who lost his life. for his children, and for the stupid choices my friend made and for his grim future. you can read the news here
when i called back, she greeted me with the news that our mutual friend working here in the states from germany, was arrested for vehicular homicide. he killed a 33 year old father of 3 while driving drunk. slammed right into his car when he crossed the double yellow line. he himself has two children who live in europe.
his company posted bond at $100,000. but there is no getting around anything here. he will be doing a minimum of eight years. we are devistated. for the man who lost his life. for his children, and for the stupid choices my friend made and for his grim future. you can read the news here

Kickass you finnaly got it out. I glad its done and I know you'll be picked fo sho. Boy I sure could go for a nice home cooked meal ;)
you know that fat bartender at Merlin's? Tommy.
He tried to get onto 'The Biggest Loser'
I hope all you guys make it.
Glad everything worked out for you both. I knew overnight was expensive but I had no idea a video tape would cost that much. I have used UPS Next Day Air at work but never fedex and once it is sent overnight the price shoots way up. I wish you two the best of luck.
Congrats!! That must be a big weight off your shoulders. Good Luck!!