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06/29/2005 12:31 #22687

Yes it does appear that at times my life is more fab than yours. However you seem to forget how I lived at Stony Brook for 4 1/2 years. Those 4 1/2 years were very unfab. For example:

Living in a dorm room with 3 girls. I slept on the futon. The came to fix our window in the middle of winter and accidentally screwed it open (meaning we could not close it and I slept right beneath it) in Nov. and never fixed it.

Making the choice between quarter drafts and doing laundry. Laundry never won that.

Having no money on my meal card so I'd either: buy 12 ramen noodle packs for a dollar and eat only those, or steal saltines and jelly from the cafeteria to make mini saltine sandwiches. This was interspersed by attending any event no matter how retarded it was to get the free pizza they served (I am not jewish and I was at a few of those events, also the lgba events, and various frat parties)

Not being able to afford groceries even when I had a job, so I'd go home and go grocery shopping in mom's fridge.

Living in New York/Stony Brook for the summer and being so broke that me and my friends would scope out places that kept the toilet paper and new bottles of hand soap under the sinks in the bathrooms and then stealing it.

Drinking 40s (well ok I still do that but at the time it was not by choice)

So as you can see I have had to pay my dues just like everyone else. Some day you'll have a c-list celeb studded life too...

06/28/2005 23:13 #22686

Very Quickly
I have to make this short and sweet because it is way past my bed time and my work out has taken the best out of me. However I had a c list celeb sighting- I saw the personal trainer they made over on queer eye. He was really dark tan and had more highlights than me. I guess thats what happens when you let gay new yorkers make you over (no offense pmt). Im counting it as a legit sighting and I am still on track for my 1.5 sightings a week.

Do I have a problem?

PS my foodie obsession lover (Jeffrey Chodrow works in my building I found out today, sigh we breathe (sp?) the same air every day).

06/28/2005 17:58 #22685

I joined NetFlix due to my lack of cable. It's not really that I can't have cable it is just insanely expensive. With my last roommate we had a $200 a month cable bill. I just can not see how that is necessary in any way shape or form. So for $15 a month I can rent as many movies as I'd like. I think T-Dog used to belong to this?! I'll let everyone know if it's really worth it...

PS Today is my first day of training. Ugh. I so don't want to work out, but I guess my extra 50 pounds just is not going to go away by itself. I hope this is all worth it...
metalpeter - 06/28/05 17:58
I think it is like any movie service where you can rent as many as you want in a month. As long as you have time to watch the movies in a timely matter and return them then it is a good deal. A friend of mine did the blockbuster one and wound up renting a tone of movies in his first month, wich is the cheap month and saw like everything in the store he wanted to see and then stoped the service. If they arn't write protected a DVD VCR Combo will tape them. If they are you just need A VCR and the right cables. I have problems with my mail other wise I might join netflix.

06/27/2005 12:34 #22684

Ok I love Dave Matthews and they are playing in August at Red Rocks in Colorado. I really really want to go. Anyone interested in joining me? I don't know anyone who likes DMB enough to shell out the cash to go there to see them, but this is going to be an amazing show. Ugh- any takers? Seriously if you know anyone who would be interested this is going to be a show of a lifetime...

06/26/2005 20:07 #22683

Holy Crap
LL Cool Jay as in Ladies love cool james is in a new tv show on Fox. I knew i loved that trashy station for a reason. I have loved ll since i was first allowed to listen to music.I grew up in a "christian" household w no rap allowed. Sigh, I love ll he is so hot. Im watching this show come hell or high water.

On a different note- I hate laundry. I just want a wife to do all the household chores for me.