I just locked myself out and to top it off I left my vibrator in plain sight so when my landlord actually does come to let me in there it is for everyone to see.Fucking A.
Hodown's Journal
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06/09/2005 22:07 #22673
Fucking A06/08/2005 19:28 #22672
AjayPlease never leave us again. This is what happens when you leaves us to our own devices. Now that you are back I feel .05 % better. Things are looking up!
06/06/2005 21:09 #22670
The Celeb sighting of the daySo on my way to the train I spied Lizzie Grubman (ok so she is more like a b-list celeb but still who else saw a celeb today). She was running into Mickey D's. Firts of all she had on the silliest outfit ever. It was the flowy black backless number that was supposed to be a summer dress with these awful platform flip flops. She was so skinny you could see her ribs through her back. I know you can never be too rich or too skinny but if it makes you look old and used then maybe you can be too skinny. On a side note I would not mind starting out that skinny and then eating my way to some t and a.
06/03/2005 16:54 #22667
Happy Houris minutes away- mmmmm beer...
06/03/2005 12:44 #22666
In response to P-Diddy DooTaste of Buffalo should 100% not be on Main Street anymore. Don't you recall all those years of us eating lamb lollipops dodging people with SUV strollers and masses of humanity all trying to fit on that narrow street with train track divots?! Either way I'm coming home (and yes I will be staying at the mansion) for the fat ass feast and you had better be ready to live it up like its 1995 (our graduation year). It can be our very own special high school reunion.