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Hodown's Journal

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05/22/2005 10:16 #22663

I feel like Paul
So here I am at my inaugural stoop/really ghetto on the corner garage sale and I am connected to the Internet. I love wireless! I would have never imagined when I was young that I would be able to sit and surf the net via my laptop outside at my stoop sale. It makes the sitting out here begging people to buy my crap at little more bearable. Did I mention its like 60 degrees and raining intermittently? I hope I can make at least $100 today. Boy would that be sweet! OK peeps wish me luck...

05/21/2005 20:53 #22662

I can never eat flafel again
The best falfel (sp?) joint near my house has the most amazing food ever. I mean out of this world so yummy in my tummy fat ass good. Lilho can testify about this. So tonight I go to get the combo w lamb (it has this amazing combo of yummy stuff) and the usual guy is there. He starts to ask all about me - what country I am from because no girl goes in there as much as me (weird i know) and how old am I blah blah. Then he wants to know about marriage?!! As in am i looking for a marriage? Hmmm lets see? No I am not. Then he gets a call asks them to hold and asks me to stay and continues to try and get my number. The problem with this is: The guy is really nice and I didn't want to be rude. I also love the food there. Can I go back now that I turned down his offer? Will it always be uncomfortable when I want a falfel?

04/29/2005 15:21 #22661

Peter Singer
I just read morphconflit's journal and I hope that scumbag slumlord Peter Singer reads this too. People will stop going to the BBB, Call 4 Action and whoever else will listen when he stops ripping off people! I now live in NYC and have rented several different apartments and have yet to run into a sleaze bag slumlord that can compare to Peter Singer - and this is NYC for god's sake. All I can hope to do now (seeing as how I never got my money back from Mr. Sleaze bag after never even living a day in his dump and after winning a judgement against him in court) is tell as many people as I can about his shady underhanded practices. Its hard to catch him though because as all slime bags he changes his company name often. It literally makes my stomach queasy to even think about him.

On another more happy note: TGIF

lilho comes to visit in 2 weeks which is exciting :)

04/27/2005 10:48 #22660

Funniest Thing I have heard in a while
In the office:

Gary: "Hey Bob how's it going?"

Bob: "You know just working for the weekend as the song goes."

I sit here laughing just thinking about it. The things people say in an office setting are classic.

04/26/2005 15:01 #22659

No fucking way
I just saw that Jersey City is happy?! Ok I live there. The place is a dump. Sunday morning there were signs all around my neighborhood about an attempted rape, that was right before I looked down and found a huge sack of pot. Constantly you hear about shootings and the city is beyond corrupt- and this is all in the nice part of town. I could go on and on about why this survey is wrong. A bunch of you have even been there visiting me- I think we can all agree JC is not a happy place...