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10/26/2004 16:31 #22624

New User Pic
Why is it all funky? Paul help it!! :(

10/22/2004 18:08 #22623

Bullet Point Update
Im really into bullet point things. I think Ive been eaten by the corporate machine:

- Tom Ford in the flesh at Bergdorfs- I could have died happy at the moment. What made it even better is I was getting in a car at that moment so I didn't have to take the train home

-3 hour lunch Alain Ducasse- I didn't know food could taste this good. We got the special chef's table which meant course after course. The only thing that could have made it better is Liliho being there with me. She would have LOVED it and totally got how great it was.

- Tim Meadows of SNL- New friend of my roommate. Cra-gee. I don't think Ill ever get to meet him, but my roommate doesn't speak highly of him so maybe its not a loss.

-All expenses paid vaca in 13 days. My company actually pays for everyone (from mailroom clerk to CEO) to go on vacation, all expenses at a resort. Given it is a vacation with the people you work with- so its not that much of a vacation but still Ill take anything!

-I really miss my family a lot . All the great perks of living in New York some times are a bit empty without my favorite people here to shar it with- mainly lilho. She knows me like no one else and cracks me up without fail. Ive tried offering her a FREE room of her very own in my apartment to move here- now thats love.

-Visit to Buffalo was better than expected minus the rain 24/7. Shout out to paul Matt and Terry for letting me crash on the couch and the most uncomfortable mattress ever (seriously if you need to sleep over don't sleep on that thing- use the couch- nothing beats the drexel).

10/15/2004 10:05 #22622

This message is specifically to you, as per your request. Four Three Zero. You know what will happen if you forget. 8*

10/14/2004 17:38 #22621

I disagree. I heard it come right out of his mouth. I worked there for months and I saw Pano come into see Kosta.

10/13/2004 10:49 #22619

I miss:
Cold Crisp Days
Walking to work with out smelling toxic fumes from buses
Clean Air period
My old apartment- Im sorry I said you were ghetto (I now know what ghetto really is)
My B'lo friends
Me Paulie and Sarah having fun times
Me and Paul during our trips to the mall
Not having to tip everyone just to do their jobs
Friendly People
Any sort of wildlife that isint mangy
Cute B'lo boys (yes there were a few)
Being able to survive on $10 a week
Personal Space
Being able to see a movie for less than $15
WEGMANS (I can't tell you how much this loss hurts me!)
Being able to go to Bills, Sabers games
Getting the company Box for concerts/sporting events (Ill never see that luxury again)
Panos (gasp- I know, but Im addicted to their chicken souvlaki)
Spot back in the day
New World Records
Frisbees (no place else can I get a million amazing new tunes for such a low price!)

I should have put this higher on the list but_ MY FAVORITE CHAIR IN THE WORLD THAT PAUL NOW HAS AND SOMEDAY I WILL RETURN TO RESCUE. Many of you epeeps have sat on this chair and relished its comfort. Maybe you have even fallen alseep in its soft large arms. Enjoy this time with the chair because I love it. Its mine and I am someday returning to claim it.

Ok back to work :)

Happy Hump day!!