Now I consider mself a talkative person. Maybe even too talkative. I love to talk, thats the way I am, I have a lot to say. But thers a time to talk and there comes a time to shut the fuck up. For example where people should shut up is during sex, Too many times have I been in bed with someone doing my thang and they want to carry on conversation as if wer'e having coffee. I don't want to talk about your job, how your day went of your GIRLFRIEND(you'll be suprised). It's like oh I'm sorry ami I boring you? If s I will take it out and walk away. All I want to talk about is what position is next, and where can I cum. Now don't get me wrong I'm not what I like to call a necrofucker. I do my fare share of moaning and shaking my ass. But I beg you PLEASE, lets both get off and then if we have the energy ( because you might not fuckin wit me) we can talk about how bad traffic was this mourning. thank oyu
Flacidness's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/25/2004 23:55 #22382
the sexdrive to talk03/20/2004 14:51 #22381
human nature- letter for nateEverything seems to be falling apart back at home. People dieing, people hurting, broken doors. It was kinda hard to keep a cool head with all of that chaos going around. I tried to type a journal entry when i was in the falls but couldn't really think about the same things I normally talk about and someone thought it was inappropriate (step family). I say whatever because, when I write and write about the things I like it makes me feel better. And why is sex inappropriate? It's not as if I was talking about fucking my mother or anything. NOw thats nasty! I was going to write a little more about what I thoguht of monogamy, I even had it written down on paper, but some HO has my stuff and I forget everthing I write down. I was having a dicussion with my brother about his little mishap on staying true to one person and how he feels bad about having certain feelings for other females. So I told him if you think about it nature is not monogamous. A Lion fucks his mate for 18 seconds, and when he's finished he rest and gets up to fuck another. Dogs hump whatevers moving, and I even saw a cat fuck a dead cat in the road! Now are they wrong? Well maybe the cat is, but thats just the way it is. I think society puts too much pressure on being with one mate and one mate only. Now if you really loved the person and you have lingering feelings you two should sit down and talk about it. But Nate, don't feel bad about it, God did not put all this pussy on earth and expected you to only lick one. Shit you might as well because i wont be anytime soon. Nate love yourself and then you will finally know which path to take. All of those material items you have are not making you happy. DOnt go out and but another computer just because you are feeling bad aobut yourself, because you will still feel the same way as before with the exception of a new computer and more debt. Go get what you want and fuck those who think otherwise. I love you nate. be safe
03/13/2004 15:30 #22380
2 jobs tonight/ 2's or 3'sWell well I start my second job tonight. After I get off at the movie theatre I have to go to panos and start working. I will be be a bus boy and a dishwasher. It will be really busy but I like it like that;I am a good hustler. So wish me luck tonight to hope everything goes well! Ooooh the life of doubles. It occured to me lastnight that we always seem to be unsatisfied with monogamy in a lot ways. One job is not good enough to get by and be comfortable, we always need another. So now i have a three way relationship with with MAFAC, and Pano. Woo Hoo! busy busy busy! Two firends of mine who have been together for years just decided that they want to invite someone to be with them. And not just for a night. Why is being monogamous so hard for everyone to deal with. What happened to finding your other HALF? Are we unsatisfied with the one we have that we must bring someone else in to spice it up or is it our raging hormones that we feel we can't share with just one person and this is the only way to do it without cheating and hurting the one we are with? It's hard work to try and divide your time evenly between two things you are totally commited to. You must make sure that everyone is open. If not, there will be one who feels that they are not getting enough. They will feel that they are being overlooked and you are more commited to the other one. Which maybe the case; I mean you will find the one that treats you better and suddenly you realize that this other low paying one is not worth the time they are asking for. Sure you have you'r reasons for staying with them also. But we all look for whats better for us, and eventually something will fail if you are not careful. Careful in the sense that you got yourself into this and there will always be other things out there that will grab your attention so your intrests seem to wonder else where. But don't get caught slacking because you maybe forced out of both situations you are in and you are left alone to start off from scratch. The life of double is hellishly hard work and I tip my hat to anyone who does it and does it well. onezies beats twozies but nothing beats threezies!
03/09/2004 21:53 #22379
fought vs. fuckedNow i would like to consider myself a pretty peaceful, loving person. But it occured to me today that I have fought just as many people I have fucked. Now you might think thats kind of ironic. why yes it is and it's true. Now I don't mean fight like bickering and exchanging harsh words, no I mean actual physical contact of fist, feet, and teeth (in some cases, hey you gotta do what cha gotta do). And I don't mean Fucked like in a little licky licky and a slight touching pee pee; no I mean actual penetration. So i will list the names right here online for EVERYONE to see how much of a slut and a fighter I could be.
FOUGHT: Henry, Ruben, Maria (yes a girl i admit), jacob, shay, shalia (two more girls), rob, cynthia (3), raymond (might as well been a girl), ladonna, (4 1/2), soloman, john r., julian (5).
FUCKED: Henry, Ruben, Maria, Rob S. (butchy), Joe, Josh, Matthew J., Romena, Gary (we all remeber king kong pecker don't we), Steve, Derik, Duane (D), Elton.
Got all that? Now you see that is thirteen in each category. And another observation you might catch on too is the matching of some names. Yes they are the same people, which are: Henry (my first boyfriend), Maria (my girlfriend/girl virginty taker), and Ruben. Some people are soooo difficult. Now that you know a little more about my personal information and you might have a tainted vision of me from now on, but i tell you this I do not like to fight nor am I a Harlot. But you better be damned sure that I am good at both!

FOUGHT: Henry, Ruben, Maria (yes a girl i admit), jacob, shay, shalia (two more girls), rob, cynthia (3), raymond (might as well been a girl), ladonna, (4 1/2), soloman, john r., julian (5).
FUCKED: Henry, Ruben, Maria, Rob S. (butchy), Joe, Josh, Matthew J., Romena, Gary (we all remeber king kong pecker don't we), Steve, Derik, Duane (D), Elton.
Got all that? Now you see that is thirteen in each category. And another observation you might catch on too is the matching of some names. Yes they are the same people, which are: Henry (my first boyfriend), Maria (my girlfriend/girl virginty taker), and Ruben. Some people are soooo difficult. Now that you know a little more about my personal information and you might have a tainted vision of me from now on, but i tell you this I do not like to fight nor am I a Harlot. But you better be damned sure that I am good at both!

03/05/2004 18:25 #22378
friends, lovers and kingdom They say some boundries shouldn't be crossed. That you should know where you stand aolways. But do we? Do we know how to satisfy our lovers and keep we and our friends happy? you fall for someone and for some reason, mothing else really matters. Love is all you need. But thats not it. To get you'r lover to love you, you must sacrafice. Oyu must let down all you'r guards to let someone you feel is worthy into your kingdom. I've let them in, and my palace suffered as a result. you see, you don't really know someone untill it's too late. By the time you realize, hey this may not be who I want to share my sacrade fruit with. They've already gotten too far in to push them back out. you try to do other things to take your mind off this monster who is continously damaging your kingdom.
Your friends are hurt also. They see you, this beautiful king, and they see his kingdom. They do their best to rebuild what has been torn down, But can only do so much when it's being ripped back apart. For this king is weak. He is weakend by every brick being torn out of the walls. He can't fight this alone. Every other monster who has come in has been defeated. Now the king grows weary. This time he has bitten off a little more than he can chew, and his stomachis not big enouch to take it all in. But with the aid of his friends (troops). This monster may have finally bowed out. And now the kingdome can be restored and be so better than ever.
What will happen next for our king? Well only time can tell that. But for now we can leave knowing that this king is wiser now. And for ever lover he lets in and a monster is unleashed, comes a new fight. The king maybe be ready for it or it will come when he least expects it. But he knows that his kingsom will not be broken down for ever.
Your friends are hurt also. They see you, this beautiful king, and they see his kingdom. They do their best to rebuild what has been torn down, But can only do so much when it's being ripped back apart. For this king is weak. He is weakend by every brick being torn out of the walls. He can't fight this alone. Every other monster who has come in has been defeated. Now the king grows weary. This time he has bitten off a little more than he can chew, and his stomachis not big enouch to take it all in. But with the aid of his friends (troops). This monster may have finally bowed out. And now the kingdome can be restored and be so better than ever.
What will happen next for our king? Well only time can tell that. But for now we can leave knowing that this king is wiser now. And for ever lover he lets in and a monster is unleashed, comes a new fight. The king maybe be ready for it or it will come when he least expects it. But he knows that his kingsom will not be broken down for ever.