10/01/2003 17:10 #22338
JessicaWatch out Betty-boop;there is a new hoe in town, and she is nabbin dem all
Her name is jessica rabbit and She is her own pimp!
10/01/2003 16:49 #22337
song of the weeki thought of many different songs to put up. And my decision is "stay" by the temptations or can also be heard on the dirty dancing soundtrack. Great oldie
10/01/2003 16:45 #22336
Off the WallNew Subject. anywho Off the Wall is a really good place to eat. I went there last thursday with Jeremy (j.j.) sorta like a date. He is really sweet. Ihad a grilled chicked wrap and it was GREAT! He enjoyed his aswell. He and i are supposed to hang out more we have been for about two weeks now, but don't fret ladies he is not "completly" gay so it's not a total loss. haha. OH boy's boys, all kinds. haha what are you going to do right? Fall shopping is coming up and i am major excited about it I need a scarf and "long johns" says jeremy. Neil is having a libra party satruday and invited me to come along that should be fun i guess, I ha ve never been there before. Now it is time for me to go to work DVD dot is calling me. 7-close shift should be fun then after i am going to have a few beers and hang out with john (guy i work with).
10/01/2003 16:13 #22335
LOOP D LOOPGuess i've been in and out of the loop lately. Haven't talked to my friends in a while and so today is the first time i heard about the showdown in wilson farms. Well thats unfortunate, it really sucs when there are still people out there who act like that, theres way too much sickness going on in the world to have little things like that bother us. My week was productive, i worked a lot and was around elmwood more. I have been having miuxed feelings about certain things and they really get me down. But then i realize that it is in my head and i analyze things too much and i need to stop doing this to myself and the people around me. "confidence is key" And i love them and it is not good for them. Better feeling now. then when i was at work i saw a friend of mine that i went to highschool with. A really sweet chubby girl who looked up to me in a way, she thought i was "awesome" My first reaction to seeing her in buffalo was 'what is she doing here?' then i realized she wasn't walking. SHe was in a wheel chair and her head was shaved, pale skin and weight loss. I had no idea she had cancer and it completly took me off gaurd. i gotta go....
09/23/2003 19:08 #22334
song of the week"summertime" by: beyonce