well helloooo,It is now november 2nd and to me it feels like halloween was yesterday. Party party was what was going on up in dis bitch. The boys and holly threw a party and had a HUGE turnout. My skirt was lifted countless times that was funky. I don't know why hula dancer triggers how, wher everyone thinks that you are advertising your ass. F-ing A-holes were at the claremount house. This kid that i work with made quite an impression on those folks there. I got this kick ass tarot card reading and i need to live with my maybe's and stop being so balck and white(yes and no). So i am trying. I guess i was just making out in in piss last night, when Matthew and I woke up and started going at it i felt a wet spot on the florr where my foot fell, but we didn't know what is was.....untill now, ick. I got tied up in some rope by this kid "Shondor" then he decided it would be cool to make out like that. This 45 year old flamer tried to pull my undies off from under my skirt. I mean i was fucked up but not that fucked up where i would let some one do that to me in a kitchen, haha. Good weekend had i by all I assume not on unsatisfied customer, i mean friend. And i hope all of my freinds and new friends enjoyed my...... company, cause i enjoyed theres.
peace love and pigs feet
Flacidness's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/02/2003 21:46 #22332
Hollyween weekend09/23/2003 16:30 #22331
mystique and J.J.i am trying o make my journal more dashing like my friends, so i am attempting to put a picture of mystique(my favorite x-men) picture on here. ANd since i know all of shit about computers this should not be easy; but i will try. I will see J.J. again thursday, he is so cute. This picture thing may take all day haha.
yay! there she is. Everybody out there need to recognize the power. x-men 2 the movie will be out on DVD on november 25th i am giong to rent a a week before it comes out from my store.

yay! there she is. Everybody out there need to recognize the power. x-men 2 the movie will be out on DVD on november 25th i am giong to rent a a week before it comes out from my store.
09/18/2003 22:06 #22330
names and onesI was inspired by something and i decided to write a poem. I wrote it a couple nights ago and i have been meaning to type it in here. But i never have it with me. So untill you see it i will just tell you the title of it; "names of a loved one" sounds corny i know but i liked it then and i hope i like it when i retrieve it in my room. Thursday is my favorite day, and there is a hurricane down south i we are getting much much lighter of it though. M y main concern is my friend who just moved to north carolina or south carolina i really don't remeber but any way she moved down there this past summer and now i am worried. I hope she is doing ok.
09/15/2003 18:23 #22329
da funknessThis is my first entry in this journal, which was created by my very talented dear friend PAUL. It's a rainy day after, a very nice weekend weather wise and life wise. My weekend was great and i went camping for the first time with my friends matthew, terry, and paul. I't was great times, and i hope i can join them again. Da funkness is in affect yeeeah! blap!