In case anyone missed this news, OS X is being ported to PC hardware by apple. A bunch of you wrote about this a whiole back. It turns out that people have alread hacked the OS to run on non-apple PCs now. In fact there is a whole wiki with directions and information about getting this up and running . There are a bunch of mehtods for install including one for dual boot.
I know that this is gogin to make (e:uncutsaniflush) crazy unless he has already done it!!
Here is a blog with more instructions, some imagery and video of it running on vaio laptop.
Computer's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/13/2005 14:09 #21516
OS X on PCCategory: osx
08/13/2005 13:59 #21515
New Computer JournalI am sick of having computer info on the news and my own journal so I am starting a computer info journal. If anyone wants to cowrite this with me ((e:uncutsaniflush)) I would be more than happy. It can be the start of a topic journal.
uncutsaniflush - 08/13/05 18:51
I can take a hint, (e:paul). I would be happy to co-write a computer jounral with you.
Believe it or not, I was going to ask you tonight if you still needed someone to write about computers.
I can take a hint, (e:paul). I would be happy to co-write a computer jounral with you.
Believe it or not, I was going to ask you tonight if you still needed someone to write about computers.
Thanks for your faith in my computer geek-i-ness but I haven't gotten around to running osX on a pc yet but it is certainly something that I would want to attempt just to see if I could do it.