Chris's Journal
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09/12/2004 21:25 #21268
Matt's Ready09/11/2004 00:06 #21267
Attention :)Maggie Lee 5K Memorial Run/Fun Walk
Join us in raising awareness about Epilepsy.
The Epilepsy Association will hold its 3rd annual Maggie Lee 5K Memorial Run/ Fun Walk on Saturday, September 11, 2004. "Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Parkside Lodge at Delaware Park. Race begins at 10 AM on Ring Rd. in Delaware Park.
Who was Maggie Lee?
Maggie Lee had Epilepsy. She was a counselor at the Epilepsy Association, a community activist and a friend. In June 2001, she died suddenly as a result of injuries sustained during a seizure. We hold the run/fun walk to remember Maggie's commitment to those with Epilepsy, to fund services for those that share her disorder and to increase awareness of the needs of persons with Epilepsy that affects one out of every 100 persons in Western New York.
side note: I will be singing the national anthem at this tomorrow. My mother works for this Association.
Join us in raising awareness about Epilepsy.
The Epilepsy Association will hold its 3rd annual Maggie Lee 5K Memorial Run/ Fun Walk on Saturday, September 11, 2004. "Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Parkside Lodge at Delaware Park. Race begins at 10 AM on Ring Rd. in Delaware Park.
Who was Maggie Lee?
Maggie Lee had Epilepsy. She was a counselor at the Epilepsy Association, a community activist and a friend. In June 2001, she died suddenly as a result of injuries sustained during a seizure. We hold the run/fun walk to remember Maggie's commitment to those with Epilepsy, to fund services for those that share her disorder and to increase awareness of the needs of persons with Epilepsy that affects one out of every 100 persons in Western New York.
side note: I will be singing the national anthem at this tomorrow. My mother works for this Association.
08/25/2004 23:12 #21266
Sarah08/22/2004 22:17 #21265
SarahHaven't wrote in awhile. I am sitting at the Sarah McLachlan concert. Such an amazing voice. Here are some pics.
Missing Image ;(
Missing Image ;(
08/12/2004 15:53 #21264
some time..Guess I should update.. Not much going on. Work sucks, glad to be on vacaction this coming week. Going out to our cabin at Honeoye Lake. Should be fun , I hope the weather is nice. Well back to the chain gang.