08/04/2004 09:03 #21263
American Idol update08/03/2004 08:15 #21262
American Idol begins..Well here I am in line at AI auditions. I am in the front part of the line so I guess that's good. People were lined up at 4am... I will keep ya posted
08/02/2004 15:48 #21261
soyeon the villagethanks for ruining the twist... should have let peopke know you were gonna do that soy. :)
07/31/2004 18:48 #21260
Truth about..Sorry Matthew, but the war has already been started. We cannot pull out now. More Iraqi lives would be lost now if we did. So that is not an option at this point. Any president we elect would have to continue this war is whatever way they see fit, but pulling out would not be an option. Kerry also said the he will not ask our military to serve in a war because we want to, but because we have to. That is the difference between Bush and Kerry.
Anyway, I can talk out my ass for hours on this subject. This is an imporant election, one that will shape the next 20 years. We all have a choice to make. If you think that buy voting for a 3rd party canidate that you are making some sort of statement, then so be it. If you think the path this country is heading in right now it a good one, then vote for George Bush. I am not saying Kerry as president would be a huge change, but it would not be a continuation of the politics of George W Bush.
Lets not vote for him in 2004 either.
07/30/2004 19:53 #21259
Matthew...Well, it isn't a "fair" playing ground. We have what we have, and thats we have to work with. I respect if someone votes for Nadar because they agree more with his ideals. But someone who is not going to vote at all, or not vote for Kerry just because of various petty reasons I do not. It's sad, but with todays politics it is a choice between the lesser of the two evils sometimes. But as I said, it is what it is.