Chris's Journal
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05/16/2004 01:13 #21247
test05/08/2004 20:56 #21246
Lets see...I think this is not working ... :)
05/01/2004 00:00 #21245
Write something...I am sitting at MPT's right now, so I guess I should type something. Saw Linda Eder perform tonight at UB with Matt. Was a good show, nothing to exciting, but not bad either. Well, not much else to write. Peace.
03/03/2004 19:57 #21244
Time to say something.....Well, I guess its been awhile since I wrote anything. Well, last saturday was my birthday and i turned 27.. Really doesn't fell any different. I did buy myself a birthday gift though. A new car :) I was tired of the Truck and having a standard vehicle. So, now I once again own an automatic and its sooooo nice :).. Bought a brand new 2003 Kia Spectra. My second Kia car. Most people may think Kia's are crappy cars but I never had one mechanical problem with my last Kia, so why not buy another. They may have started off as making crappy cars, but they have improved over the years just like Honda and Toyota did. Plus i knew they would give me the best deal since I bought from them before, and they did. The new car is sporty looking, ruby red... i love it ... :).. Well, I hope all you registered democrates voted yesterday.
And PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR NADER in November :).. hehe..
BUSH NO MORE - 2004 !!!!!
And PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR NADER in November :).. hehe..
BUSH NO MORE - 2004 !!!!!
01/21/2004 19:11 #21243
Lies of the Union.For those who missed the State of the Union address last night do not worry. It was the same lies and rhetoric that Bush has been laying on us since the Florida's Supreme court elected him. A speech lacking of any new ideas, members of his administration denied that it was a "political speech". And if you believe that one I have a nice pink elephant for you to buy. Bush proclaimed "We Must Protect Marriage", "RENEW the Patriot Act", "Make the TAX cuts permanent", "We don't need permission slips from the UN", "I will shrink government spending by 4%", "I will cut the deficit in half by 2005". "The economy is making the biggest gains in over 20 years". I really sometimes think that Bush believes the lies that he spews. Where are the John Wilkes Booth's when you need them. I hope this country starts to wake up by November. Do not be blinded by the threat of terrorism. Bush has ignored domestic policy too long. The only true threat to this country, is the one in the white house.