06/20/2004 15:22 #21251
Fathers Day06/13/2004 00:03 #21250
SidekickThis is my first post using my new sidekick.
06/06/2004 19:08 #21249
Pride 04....So, did the Pride festival today. Pretty much the same as it every was. Although, there were less protesters this year. They were so much fun last year, I missed them. They said last year that we had sex with our goldfish. They were so witty. Anyho. Glad the rain held off today. Saw M.P.T. (As they will now me known Matt, Paul, and Terry.) at the festival whorin' out the site. Hopefully more people will join, so that everyone will stop bitchin' at me to write :) lol. Peace out.
06/19/2004 12:03 #21248
Sidekick'NI think everyone should go out and buy a T-Mobile Sidekick today. Of all the electronic shit I tend to buy, I now feel like I can't live without it. Its almost like an addiction. Having access to AIM,WWW, and email from anywhere is the best thing since sliced bread. :) Ok. thats all for now folks.
05/16/2004 01:13 #21247