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06/14/2006 10:41 #21213

It's Getting Hot in Herre
Got this from someone at work...

Nice to know that global warming is EVERYONE'S problem...


chicoschica - 06/14/06 11:12
I think the small print should read "Some regression may occur."
(and i don't mean by the skivvies themselves!)
sbrugger - 06/14/06 10:55
Hmmm...I think the ex must've been on an "underwear time machine". LOL When we started dating in the late 90's, she wore underwear similar to the 1990 example...but when we broke up, I remember them being similar to the 18th c. models...;).

06/12/2006 10:36 #21212

What up people of Buffalo?!
Hi there everybody -

I figured in order to properly stick up for myself against the propaganda that chico's been dishing out, I oughta sign up for this here estrip community! ;-) (i guess it's not propaganda if some of it's true though, huh? ha!)

We are indeed storming your area in the next few months - coming from the Garden State, aka the suburbs of NYC. I have to admit, the friendliness is a little weird coming from these parts (are you talkin' to ME?), but oh-so-easy to get used to. In fact, one of the things I'm looking forward to is getting away from the congestion and road rage - hooray!

OK, so I'm not really looking forward to all that snow. We do get snow in NJ, don't get me wrong - but somehow 80-90 inches seems, well, EXCESSIVE. Though, if you talk to anyone outside of Buffalo, one would think you guys live in f'ing IGLOOS, for cryin' out Pete!

Anyway, I just wanted to say 'greetings!' to y'all - and if, by any chance, you know of some place in the Buffalo area that's looking for a molecular biologist/scientist - I'm searching for employment!!!

catch u soon -
chicoschica (aka ThE mAd sCiEnTiSt)
chicoschica - 06/12/06 13:18
(i meant to say "people DON'T categorize poultry as meat"?) duh...
I need lunch I think -
chicoschica - 06/12/06 13:16
kara -
Is the Lexington co-op more expensive than the regular store??

WEgman's is awesome. We have just a couple in the NJ area and I will drive 25 minutes just to get to it!!
chicoschica - 06/12/06 13:14
libertad -
So you're veg (or trying)! That's cool.
As you may have noticed in chico's post on your journal a few days ago, I have been veg for over 10 years. Lacto-ovo, though - vegan is too scary and I'm WAY WAY addicted to cheese!

It's not too difficult to attend parties and gatherings - sometimes it's just that people don't know what vegetarians eat (!). So typically, I'll volunteer to bring something. I always try NOT to make a big deal that I'm vegetarian - hell, I've even eaten at a Lonestar Steak House (and I wouldn't even consider the beer part of the meal! ...unless it was Guiness...)

I started being veg because I felt it was healthier for my body - I had a cholesterol and slight weight issue at the time. Even now, years later without having eaten meat (or poultry or fish - really- people categorize poultry as meat?), I feel great. I am generally in great health (except for a pesky autoimmune disease - but that's more about stress and genetics anyway...) and my cholesterol has come down, too!

Now it's just a lifestyle. And I have to say, chico is a fantastic cook - but I'm not biased or anything...=).

How do you find vegetarianism? Hard to stick to? Do you miss meat? Do you cook?
kara - 06/12/06 13:00
ajay beat me on sending you those job links, but here are a few more.
UB: :::link:::
Buff Niagara Jobs (requires some hideous registration, but has many listings) :::link:::

Lexington Coop is a good choice for finding hippie - I mean vegetarian - foods :), but the local Wegm@n's (best grocery store ever) has a similar selection at better prices.
libertad - 06/12/06 12:51
Funny you should ask about veggies! Check this out :::link:::
As for restaurants, I know they are out there, but I'm still learning. I'm not willing to call myself vegetarian, I'm debating now if I should keep myself somewhat open to meat in the future...I just don't know. Whatever I decide, my meat eating habbits will be changed forever.
chicoschica - 06/12/06 12:00
libertad - (nice name, btw)
I, too, will be calling it 'soda' - I can only imagine what other things are going to evoke weird thing I have learned - up there, homes with two apartments are called "doubles" or "duplexes". Down here? They're "two-families". and the list goes on....

so let me ask anyone who's reading...if you know anyone vegetarian or any good vegetarian places to eat?
libertad - 06/12/06 11:54
I lived on Long Island until i was 11. When I moved to Rochester, I couldn't comprehend the kindness. A classmate wanted to shake my hand, and I thought how strange. Buffalo is even nicer than rochester. Not sure if you are aware of this but people here call soda "pop"! Not I, I will never call it POP!
chicoschica - 06/12/06 11:49
Thanks you guys - ajay, I've been looking into roswell park - hoping I can find something soon!

(sorry - it's taking me a while to figure out how this posting thing works... =)! )
ajay - 06/12/06 11:38
Welcome to the community (says he from 3000 miles away!).. I used to live there till last year.

Here are some links for you: :::link:::

Check these places, they will surely by hiring people with your background. Good luck!
leetee - 06/12/06 10:52
Welcome to (e:strip)!

I know what you mean about the friendly nature of the people in Buffalo. First coupla times, i thought i knew the people somehow, and managed to forget. Then, i realized, the people are just friendly. Yesterday, amongst crowds, i had mini conversations with complete stragers and told the friend i was with that something like that would never happen in Toronto!

Good luck with the home and job search!