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04/21/2004 16:40 #21130

Beating around the Bush

My unlawfully wedded sex partner, may I ask why the rage against your bush? does the mere shaving of one's cunt offer resistance to the offending GW? I am a little offended myself that there is even a comparison being made between the wondeful bush that we all have and GW. Why is there so much shame connected to the genital hair? Doesnt the idle playing around with the hair provide something for us to do in times of boredom? Dont you ponder on the effectualness of something that comes in all textures, sizes and colors, something that is so much a part of you but outside of you? Much like Lacan's the Enigmatic Signifier?
Something that we are all rivetted you. Something beyond yourself! A symbol of being a woman, not that I am a big fan of symbols but still forgive me for sometimes I slip into being my old silly self!
But my love, it is a source of much physical, tactile pleasure to many people and to demean one's pubic hair by comparing it to the murderous Mr. Bush is sacrilegous. LOVE THY OWN BUSH! SUBVERT WHAT IT HAS NOW COME TO MEAN. RECLAIM IT AND MAKE IT OUR OWN!

04/13/2004 19:25 #21129


04/13/2004 19:21 #21128

Paul's story Wins
that is fucking scary what you went through!! I felt the same too when the guys seemed all confused and I was hoping they wouldnt shoot me or something! here's to never meeting those guys again!

04/13/2004 13:55 #21127

Cops come knocking
It is 12.30 in the night, im dozing off to a particularly exciting show on the FOX network,one of the only 2 channels i get, and I get the fucking jitters when I hear loud banging on my bedroom door. Someone yells "Its the police. Open up" I do not want to, Im shit scared. Again the yelling resumes. I open the door a little bit and im blinded by the flashlight shining in my face. There are 2 of them. One with the flashlight and the other with his hand on his hip/gun. Im almost about to breakdown when one of the 2 cops yells at me asking me about someone. I told them that the guy lives upstairs and they march away, without a word.
And then i did not sleep all night. Never knew it was so fucking scary.

04/08/2004 18:55 #21126

The Office of the PP(Perpetually Paranoid)hereby notifies the defendents to present themselves at the 25th floor of the City Hall, Buffalo, NY at 4.00 p.m on April 14th. You will be fingerprinted and your records filed away in the PP's Official Database Please follow this link for further details