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02/08/2004 15:26 #21120

The festival of spring
will someone teach me to drive, sell me a car for 200$ and get me a licence in this country? i can't stay in the ghetto anymore. i have vegetated religiously over the past five months. the roots have dried up and i my friends, need some fresh earth.
in other news, im feeling extremely crappy for not being in warm winter country India and also for missing Vasanthahabba (The festival of Spring). an all-night festival to welcome spring, that comes together with the most awesomely breathtaking dance from all over the country, with the beautiful open wintry skies as canopy. it is held in the country and thats where one gets the best homegrown pot. This year, favorites Indian Ocean did their magic with their music and I was not there to turn into dust! I've never been there but i promised that this year would be the one, untill i got the visa and came here. marvellous. simply marvellous. marvellous marvellous marvellous, marvellous.
does anyone know of anything similar here?

02/08/2004 15:12 #21119

Marriage, motherhood and matryrdom. The 3 pillars of womanhood will pass me by. i shall do a Ms. Haversham until i feel otherwise. The boy and i on feb 11th will call in the 4th year of our existance as 'us'. i want to be with him. Now.

02/07/2004 16:51 #21118

as the drudgery of the days continues i continue to lose sanity little gray cell at a time. poverty does strange things to people. I for one want to spend the money i do not have. im having a party for many friends tonite. and im going to do the bhangra! bhalle bhalle (same as ole! i guess)

01/22/2004 17:57 #21117

for all ye chai and biscoot (biscuit for you white people) lovers, heylo!