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02/20/2005 20:29 #20919

Engineered Science
say what you will about the pharmaceutical industry, but I am a firm believer in the power of drugs. Legal, illegal, I don't care, I cannot stand to be sick. Six amoxicillin, eight motrin, and a zyrtec-d later I am as good as new. Too bad its Sunday night. hahaha figures.

I think I am going to mosey on down to Towne and get a milkshake.

02/20/2005 18:41 #20918

Twenty minutes of trying to fix my picture in Photoshop and it still looks squished. sigh. sorry paul... I really did pay attention in class

more attempts after dinner.

02/20/2005 15:13 #20917

My Reality is Television
I've spent all weekend on the couch watching tv, sleeping and eating. Its been a lot of fun. Last night I got my sorry ass showered and changed so I could run to blockbuster and rent Legally Blonde 2 and Employee of the Month.
Employee of the Month was great. Totally not what I expected.
Legally Blonde was a bore. I can't believe it was released to theaters.

I felt like I was over my cold the beginning of last week, now I feel sick again. blah.

Congratulations (e:matthew) on winning the photo contest!

(e:mike) It sounds like you are enjoying Mel's class. I loved his classes! He is so much fun, totally laid back as long as you do the work and know everything. CrAZY times.

I really think MTV needs to put the Real World to bed. This is horrible television mostly because sticking random people in different cities is now delivering the same bullshit season after season.

Ooo Paul I'm sorry wifi at the airport didn't work out for you. I don't understand why places such as the airport don't just have free access. There isn't even free access at downtown spot anymore. I was in Philadelphia this summer as there were setting up the free wifi network and there were hundreds of people outside with their laptops having meetings, working, was awesome.

02/13/2005 17:03 #20916

Good times with Mikey the Bartender
I went to LeMetro last night with Jeff, Megan and Bill to hang out. It was a lot of fun, more fun than last weekend when we were there. They have a really good band playing on Saturday nights too. I can't remember what they were playing though... but it was good. :o)

Mike the bartender is sweet! Great drinks all night.

Anyone been to the bagel shop on Elmwood across from Wilson Farms? It used to be a dirty Manhattan Bagel. I was there this morning and I was pretty impressed. I got 6 strips of bacon on my bagel instead of two. haha I wish SpOT did Bagel, egg and cheese sandwiches.

Is it just me or is it hit or miss with Gabriel's Gate. The past two times I've eaten there I've gotten sick from the food. The last time I was there I had to wait forever to get a table AND they totally messed up our orders. It was crazy... I wonder if its just me.

02/12/2005 18:36 #20915

I went out to the Galleria mall and it was really busy. I didn't find anything I wanted to buy except the iPod shuffle. I thought it was pretty cool, esp. the weight of it. I would rather run with it than my sony cd player.