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02/10/2005 22:44 #20914

What a Dick
I cannot believe that anyone would even entertain this idea. This makes me sick to my stomach.

Democratic Party Chairman Len Lenihan was on the radio Wednesday morning, talking about the dire situation involving the Erie County Budget.

He suggested animals at the Buffalo Zoo may have to be put down.

"For him to say that is outrageous," said Dr. Donna Fernandes, President and CEO of the Buffalo Zoo. "I am not going to euthanize our animals!"

The county budget deficit of $108.4 million dollars is putting the zoo, and other departments, in a tough position, however.

Dr. Fernandes says the zoo stands to lose all of its county funding in the plan now before lawmakers, which amounts to 30% of the zoo's income. For now, the zoo is borrowing money to meet operating expenses.

"By now, we should have received a check for $350,000 from the county," said Dr. Fernandes.

As for his claim that zoo animals may have to be put down, Lenihan declined to comment to Channel 2 news.

Dr. Fernandes said they may have to ship some animals to other accredited zoos. They are making plans to do that with animal species for which they have more than one animal, and for rotating exhibits. Because it can be dangerous to transport animals in the winter, Dr. Fernandes said they would not begin shipping animals for months to come, and hopefully, not until after their busy summer season.

She said it can be difficult to find another zoo that will accept older animals, like some of their lions, but if they need to get rid of older animals, the Buffalo Zoo will search for animal sanctuaries that will accept them.

02/10/2005 08:43 #20913

I feel better is the good news. Bad news is I have to go to work.

Ick, shower time.

02/09/2005 14:10 #20912

I'm sick for the sixth day in a row. I wouldn't be sick if I didn't have this cough. Blah.

Good news is I am off from work today! YAY!

02/05/2005 17:49 #20911

I haven't been on (e:strip) in so long, everythings different. CooL!

I've gotten into humor essayists over the past couple of years. It started out with what I thought was a kinky gay sex book called Naked by David Sedaris. I picked up a few random authors along the way like David Rakoff who wrote Fraud, but they aren't as good as Sedaris. In December I stumbled onto Laurie Notaro who is hilarious. She has three books out; I'm half way through the second one.

I miss school. Work is boring. Really boring. I get paid to sit around. Its not fun, its not cool. I got a membership to the YMCA Southtowns so I can swim on my lunch hour and run after work. I decided to train for a triathlon so my efforts aren't in vain.

I have HIPAA coming out of my ass. I can practically recite the entire legislation from memory standing on my head. I have patients asking me "important, serious questions" about their information daily. There must be something up about it because there is a huge renewed interest in it. Blah. I really want to tell people the truth which is the only thing HIPPA does is create massive games of phone tag.
Anyway. peace out

08/18/2004 23:45 #20910

Airports... blah
Terrorists used planes as mobile missiles three years ago. Ok. Now we have to wait and wade through a ridiculous system which isn't really that much more effective than the old way.

Isn't it all stupid? I mean c'mon we have thousands of people using train systems and no one gets frisked board subway systems, or buses, or renting motor boats or, even scarier, U-Hauls and those big yellow Rider trucks.

What idiot would attempt to use a plane to unleash terror on the US again?

If we are going to clog an already teetering airport transportation system up so the dumb fucks that believe Bush feel the world is safer, than we need to totally fuck everyone over and make sure you can't even sneeze without an FBI agent riding your ass.
