I ran into an old boyfriend today at the bank. After we stopped seeing each other, he met a girl, got married and graduated from law school. They have a kid too.
Boxerboi's Journal
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06/24/2004 19:32 #20883
wow06/24/2004 15:20 #20882
CEPA GALLERY06/24/2004 03:18 #20881
HEY TERES!haha it was nice to finally run into you outside of work! :o)
06/23/2004 22:37 #20880
some people talk too muchand say absolutely nothing.
06/21/2004 00:19 #20879
e: peepsPaul's (e:) peeps concept sounds so cool. I can't wait to try it out.
Wouldn't it be neat to program your address book to let you know when you are out that people whose numbers you have are within, say a 1/2 mile radius of where you are? Knowing whose already around you would enable people to text or call and meet up.
It could be sort of like the dodgeball concept but a little more automated.
Wouldn't it be neat to program your address book to let you know when you are out that people whose numbers you have are within, say a 1/2 mile radius of where you are? Knowing whose already around you would enable people to text or call and meet up.
It could be sort of like the dodgeball concept but a little more automated.