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06/25/2004 14:27 #20887

Ooo mad fun!
haha I suck at pool. Its embarassing. Luckily I was on Steve-o's team so we kicked ass. :oD

Fugazi's was fun last night. I have a vague memory of typing this up, but I'm too lazy to check, soooo i'm just gonna drop it here.

Going to dinner, the CEPA gallery opening, then to the moore film. yay!

06/25/2004 15:54 #20886

What is so hard about saying
I want ((blank)).

I stood in line today at the UPS store while this hopeless woman tried to make up her mind. She wanted to FedEx a package out and get it there by Monday morning. It took her forever to get out what could have been summed up in a few sound bites. I want to sent this out so it gets to CA by Monday morning.

ARG. The clerk was no better. I wish i had taped it so you could hear the whole situation. It was worse in person.

06/25/2004 04:30 #20885

good night, from my end anyway.
Comedicqueen: I like your headshot. I think its very nice.

I went to Fugazi's tonight of the first time in a long time. It was great. I wound up running into a whole bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. ((i got free drinks too, so it worked out well))

I am going to see the Michael Moore film tomorrow, I hope at 930. I never saw Bowling for Columbine and apparently everyone else has... so I guess I'll be watching it Saturday after work.

haha I've been telling everyone I'm off this weekend and actually I have to be at work Saturday at 9am, ugh. I want to go out tomorrow nigh too. I wonder what people would say if they knew that their pharmacy technicians showed up on the weekends hung over and really not functioning at all before 2pm. It seems to irresponsible, yet o so right. haha

Hey Mike! I've seen you at Spot for a long time, haha like years, but never knew who you were until about two weeks ago. ((thank Teres)) Soooo. Hello. :o)

06/24/2004 19:47 #20884

parking spots
I spent two years without a car and I loved it. I took me pretty much the same amount of time to get somewhere as it did anyone with a car that I knew.

Now that I am back home and have a car I am a little annoyed. I don't really care to hunt for parking spots and when I travel with people and park at the end of the lot where there are plenty of open spaces I get complaints.

I can't understand why people get preoccupied with finding the closest spot to the door they can. I spent longer than necessary waiting for a spot to open up that was close to the door of Target with my friend yesterday. It was ridiculous. In the time it took us to actually find the spot, we could have parked further away and just walked inside.

On a selfish note, its was way more fun to go out drinking and just walk back to my apartment then it is to either find a DD or, haha limit my alcohol consumption to something reasonable.

06/24/2004 19:32 #20883

I ran into an old boyfriend today at the bank. After we stopped seeing each other, he met a girl, got married and graduated from law school. They have a kid too.
