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07/27/2014 12:16 #59239

Windmill Point
Category: swimming
We ditched Mike and Dave for camping at Windmill Point on Friday, but we did ride over to swim on Saturday. I was surprised at how well (e:mike) handled camping (Dave didn't get pushed into a fire).

The quarry was amazingly warm and I got to practice diving with (e:terry) a little.
We tried to find the mysterious neighboring quarry from google maps, but it's all privatized with signs *WARNING* you not to trespass.

On the bike path back, we were joined by John, this bleach blond man from Toronto. I thought we were just going to have a short chat, but it got real weird real quick. Apparently he got deported from the United States a few years ago, and wants nothing more than to find a Buffalo husband so he can come back.

He asked Terry to mentor him, help him find love, and get married. When he found out Terry was married, he told me that maybe one day we could get married. When we commented on how there was little to do in Ft. Erie compared to Toronto, he volunteered that there was plenty to do at his house. No thank you.

I was a relieved when we got to the border because I'm sure he would have followed us home. He let us know he would scream, cry and pray that we would come back for him.





tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:38
I don't know. I don't think that photo agrees with your assertion about (e:mike) handling all this well.

07/27/2014 12:16 #59238

Category: art
On Friday, (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:yesthatcasey) went to crust. (e:paul) felt sick and headed home, but the rest of us went to Dreamland for their infringment piece about porn.

I can't really post most of the pictures but there was porn karaoke (you passed a mic around and dubbed silent porn). There were porn pictures with cats pasted over the faces. and there was Mike, Seth and Jenn dressed in ridiculous scantily clad outfits, and everyone got to sketch them out.

tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:39
"Everyone got to sketch them out" -- as in make a sketch drawing?!

07/27/2014 12:15 #59237

Luxury by the Hill hotel
Category: allentown
The boarded up and paved house next to the Hill Hotel on Franklin now has a sign from Sinatra that "luxury apartments" are now coming to the property. I wonder if he's behind the LLC that boarded up the house and paved the lawn? But finally! I can't believe it's sat vacant for so long.

If this is true I can't imagine the Hill hotel is going to be the way it is much longer.

On one hand I hate the owner for putting nothing into it and letting it rot (the Erie County Real tax site says Richard A Panicali is in care of trust that owns it). It's one of the worst properties in Allentown (how long has that busted Porsche been rotting there?). Any sort of renovation or improvement would make the street and Allentown so much nicer. Maybe it would even kick off development on the parking lots all down the street.

On the other hand I do feel sorry for some of the residents if they get kicked out for nicer housing. There aren't many low cost housing options this central to everything. And the fact that the owner has put zero into it and could probably turn a huge profit by selling it makes me sick.



07/25/2014 13:46 #59234

Category: garden
(or raspberries) is what I thought these were. But they're really just unripe blackberries. I'm glad Paul told me before I tried to eat them. There's a ridiculous amount of them on the blackberry bush, I can't wait for them. Not so many blueberries but the ones that are ripe are huge.

The garden looks so colorful right now. Apparently we are a Buffalo in Bloom garden, whatever that entails.








joe - 08/03/14 23:36
You'd only be able to steal two or three at a time but they'd be worth it
tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:42
DAMMIt. I want those blueberries. Consider yourself lucky I am not up the street anymore!
tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:41
Lovely pics :)
tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:41
It entails snooty judges traipsing through your garden, drinking your wine and eating your cheese.... and stealing some berries on the sly.

07/24/2014 21:32 #59229

Spider tires
Category: allentown

Allentown put out these bike tires as some sort of art thing in May. Since then they've been floating around as a living trash sculpture. One time someone hung it in a tree and it looked like a spider.

Someone also filled in the trash garden with some plants. Hopefully it'll stay nice.


joe - 07/27/14 13:02
They're 100% real.

I can't decide if that story is disgusting or hilarious. Maybe a little bit of both. I guess you could have a garden year round that way.
tinypliny - 07/25/14 03:18
Are the plants in the trash garden plastic?

I remember a few years back in the evening before the Garden Walk started, I saw one of the neighbours on Pearl St frantically at work sticking in random plants in his front yard. Overnight, the terribly neglected front yard got a ridiculously good-looking facelift. If you looked closely, you could tell it was all plastic. But that didn't stop many visitors from heaping wonderment on the perfect plastic tulips the next day.

What was pathetically funny was all the neighbours who had actually toiled through the summer to get real gardens getting beat out by the bloke who planted an overnight plastic one.