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08/02/2014 02:34 #59254

Birthday dinner
Category: birthday
Thursday my family came over to celebrate my birthday and all my siblings' going aways. My mom made pizza and a chocolatey cake. I forget sometimes you need to triple your volume to talk when that many people are together.

There was a lot of knife pointing for some reason.

07/31/2014 01:56 #59247

Chew the fat
Category: work
Non-sensical measurements, as seen at employee appreciation day. If you manage to chew all day you can burn off 1.309 orders of TGIFriday's mozzarella sticks! Fun story

lilho - 08/01/14 20:11
I need to start doing a lot more chewing.

07/29/2014 10:22 #59244

Sunday cookout
Category: food
Sunday, we wrapped up the weekend with a cookout. (e:dave) and (e:heidi) came over.
(e:paul) was the grillmeister.

Greens, corn on the cob, string beans, fake snausage, salt potatoes and grilled zuchinni

Heidi's happy face

(e:caseythatcasey)'s plate-o-meat - chicken sans skin courtesy of (e:mike)

07/27/2014 12:17 #59240

Hide and seek
Category: party
After Windmill Point we had a last minute party. (e:robert) and mickey came by and got us to play hide and seek - this house is definitely big and dark enough for it. It wouldn't be a party though, if it didn't end on the roof.





tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:36
hm.. I have never been on the roof. A tough challenge for hobbits.

07/27/2014 12:16 #59239

Windmill Point
Category: swimming
We ditched Mike and Dave for camping at Windmill Point on Friday, but we did ride over to swim on Saturday. I was surprised at how well (e:mike) handled camping (Dave didn't get pushed into a fire).

The quarry was amazingly warm and I got to practice diving with (e:terry) a little.
We tried to find the mysterious neighboring quarry from google maps, but it's all privatized with signs *WARNING* you not to trespass.

On the bike path back, we were joined by John, this bleach blond man from Toronto. I thought we were just going to have a short chat, but it got real weird real quick. Apparently he got deported from the United States a few years ago, and wants nothing more than to find a Buffalo husband so he can come back.

He asked Terry to mentor him, help him find love, and get married. When he found out Terry was married, he told me that maybe one day we could get married. When we commented on how there was little to do in Ft. Erie compared to Toronto, he volunteered that there was plenty to do at his house. No thank you.

I was a relieved when we got to the border because I'm sure he would have followed us home. He let us know he would scream, cry and pray that we would come back for him.





tinypliny - 08/01/14 21:38
I don't know. I don't think that photo agrees with your assertion about (e:mike) handling all this well.