Droopy sagging eyelids don’t just make you look tired, they can make you feel tired and older than you really are. Anyone affected by ptosis can tell you they’re tired of looking tired. Hopefully, they’ll also tell you that you can fix ptosis.
There are multiple solutions to ptosis. But eyelid tape is hands down the best way to fix it without surgery.
But how does it work, and which eyelid tape brand is the best? This post will answer both of those questions and show you why eyelid tape is the best non-surgical treatment for ptosis.
How Eyelid Tape Helps: Solutions For The Cause of Ptosis
Ptosis causes your eyelids to droop and hang over your eye. But what causes that to happen in the first place? Before seeing how eyelid tape fixes ptosis it’s important to understand what causes your eyelids to droop.
The Causes of Ptosis
Ptosis can be caused by a few different things both natural and unnatural. The unnatural causes involve some kind of accident that damages the muscles, skin, or nerves around the eyelid.
Children can also naturally be affected by ptosis, even at the time of their birth. But the most common natural cause of ptosis is aging.
Over time the muscle that lifts the eyelid – called the levator muscle – can weaken. This causes the eyelid to droop over the eye, and in some cases even obscure vision. Sagging skin due to age may also contribute to the drooping effect of ptosis.
How Eyelid Tape Beautifully Lifts Drooping Eyelids
Eyelid tape compensates for weakened levator muscles. By using adhesive material it lifts the eyelid and any sagging skin around it.
Eyelid tape comes in small convenient strips. By placing the strip at the area where your eyelid folds over you can lift your eyelids. This gives your eyes a more youthful and open appearance.
The change they make to your appearance is drastic. Eyelid tape makes a big difference for people affected by ptosis.
Some people, who’ve used Contours Rx eyelid tape to fix their own droopy eyelids, were happy enough with their results to share their stories.
“I have super droopy eyelids but I am allergic to latex and adhesives. I decided to give this product a try and I could not be happier!!! No reaction and my eyes look at least 20 years younger! Thanks, Contours Rx”
– Crystal Withrow
“I can’t believe how well these work. I have no trouble putting them on. My lids have gotten so loose and droopy they are uncomfortable pressing down and blocking my peripheral vision on top to the point that I have been bumping my head. I thought eyelid surgery was looming in my future, but these are comfortable and my eyes look so natural.”
– Karin Merill
Reading other people’s success stories is helpful. But when it comes to using eyelid tape, you can see the results for yourself.
Contours Rx Eyelid Tape Are Designed to Fix Ptosis
There are a few brands of eyelid tape on the market. It can be difficult to decide which brand will fix your ptosis the best. Britain Todd, the founder of Contours Rx, had a similar problem when she was looking for eyelid tape to fix her own eyelids.
After trying some of the most popular brands of eyelid tape, she found out that they had some big problems. They either didn’t last all day and fell out, or they were made of cheap materials that irritated her skin.
Eyelid tapes have been around for a long time. But they’ve mostly been used by an Asian audience to change the appearance of monoids. So a lot of Asian eyelid tape brands are not designed to effectively fix ptosis.
Other popular brands of eyelid tape geared towards a more western audience fall short by using cheap and non-hypoallergenic materials.
This may not seem like a big deal if you’re not allergic to things like latex. But being that you wear eyelid strips for hours at a time, or all day, it’s important that you use good quality materials. Bad quality materials make eyelid strips less comfortable, and can irritate your skin.
With all these problems in mind Britain and her team worked to make their own eyelid tape. One that would fix these issues, and help with ptosis. After investing tons of time and energy into finding the right materials and design, they came out with: LIDS BY DESIGN Eyelid Correcting Strips.
The Benefits of Contours Rx Eyelid Tape LIDS BY DESIGN
It’s never been easier to fix ptosis. Contours Rx LIDS BY DESIGN Eyelid Correcting Strips are specifically designed to lift drooping eyelids caused by ptosis.
No more drooping eyelids! They give your eyes a vibrant youthful appearance. They’re comfortable too. The materials are a rare combination of hypoallergenic and dermatologist-approved. They also blend in with your skin so they’re unnoticeable when you put them on.
LIDS BY DESIGN Eyelid Correcting Strips are:
- comfortable to wear
- last all-day
- won’t irritate your skin like other brands,
- blend into your skin, so they’re unnoticeable
Try Contours Rx LIDS BY DESIGN Eyelid Tape
No one should have to look more tired than they feel. It’s not your fault if your eyelids are drooping, so don’t put up with ptosis. Eyelid tape is a great solution to instantly fix drooping eyelids – without surgery.
Try Contours Rx LIDS BY DESIGN Eyelid Correcting Strips to fix your ptosis, and see how many years they can take off for you.
This post was originally posted at https://contoursrx.com/the-lift/eyelid-tape-for-ptosis-the-best-nonsurgical-eye-lifting-treatment-/
If you found this article helpful, feel free to visit our site https://contoursrx.com/the-lift for more helpful articles like this one.
Ronqualityglas's Journal
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02/07/2022 23:53 #60881
Eyelid Tape For Ptosis: The Best Non-Surgical Eye Lifting TreatmentCategory: cosmetic
12/05/2021 02:35 #60859
How To Easily Fix Asymmetrical Eyes Without SurgeryCategory: beauty
When you look at someone’s face what do you naturally focus on? Their eyes. That’s why asymmetrical eyes have such a big effect on someone’s appearance.
The good news is you can fix uneven-looking eyes. If you’re concerned about the risks or cost of surgery, then there’s even more good news.
You can even fix asymmetrical uneven looking eyes without surgery.
This post will show you how. There are two ways to easily and dramatically improve the appearance of asymmetrical or droopy eyelids without surgery. You’ll also get some more info on surgical solutions, so you can be in the know about the risks involved.
But before getting into how to fix asymmetrical eyes, it’s helpful to know what causes eyes to look uneven in the first place.
Why Do My Eyes Look Uneven?: Common Causes of Asymmetrical Eyes
It’s true that facial asymmetry is perfectly normal, but some people develop more noticeable differences between their eyes than the average person. There are a variety of causes for these differences. Some are natural, and others are due to medical conditions. Aging is one of the most common causes of uneven eyes.
Aging Can Cause Asymmetrical Uneven Eyes
As people age, it becomes more likely that they’ll develop uneven eyes. According to a study of facial symmetry published in The National Library of Medicine, as people, age facial asymmetry tends to increase.
The reasons for this could be due to the soft tissues in the face changing shape over time. Another contributing factor may be the asymmetrical growth of the skeleton as old bone tissue is naturally replaced by new bone tissue. The changing elasticity of the skin as you age may also contribute to an uneven appearance.
Eyelids also tend to droop when you get older. The muscle supporting eyelids can weaken over time. This causes them to sag and can make eyes look uneven.
Genetics Can Cause Asymmetrical Eyes
Most people are born without perfect facial symmetry. Genetics is a natural cause for uneven eyes. Genetically uneven eyebrows or the shape of someone’s nose may also contribute to the appearance of asymmetrical eyes.
Genetically uneven eyes are not a cause for concern. They are common and generally don’t interfere with anyone’s health. Most genetically uneven eyes aren’t very noticeable. Especially compared to uneven eyes caused by more serious medical conditions.
Medical Conditions Can Cause Asymmetrical Eyes
A variety of medical conditions from physical trauma to disease can cause eyes to become asymmetrical.
Some common medical causes include:
This condition causes the eye to appear sunken. Eyelids may also look retracted. It’s not unusual for people with enophthalmos to have noticeably uneven eyes.
People affected by ptosis have eyelids that look droopy. It can affect one or both eyelids. It’s more common in older people, and generally isn’t a cause for concern. But ptosis can be dangerous if the eyelid droops enough to block someone’s vision.
Proptosis causes the eye to protrude forward. It gives the appearance of eyes that are bulging. This condition may also come with more serious symptoms of pain, and pulsing of the affected eye.
Bell’s Palsy
This condition only affects one side of the face. It causes the affected side to become paralyzed. This affects the eye causing it to droop along with the mouth.
How to Fix Asymmetrical Eyes Without Surgery
There are a few viable solutions to fixing asymmetrical eyes without surgery. These methods, while temporary, are effective. With them, you can give your eyes the appearance of being even and symmetrical.
These methods can be reapplied as often as needed. You can use them on a daily basis, or as needed for special occasions.
The first, and most effective, way to make your eyes look even without surgery is Eyelid Tape.
Eyelid Tape
Think of eyelid tape like one-a-day contact lenses. They’re invisible and once you put them on you can wear them all day. After putting them on you’ll instantly see the difference.
Eyelid tape works by lifting skin sagging over your eyelid. You can use them to lift one or both of your eyes to give them a more symmetrical and youthful appearance.
It’s much more immediately cost-effective and safe than surgery. It also gives you all the same benefits. If the eyelid tape is well made it should also be comfortable to wear too.
The Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips from Contours RX is an eyelid tape that only uses high-quality materials. They’re lab-tested and latex-free to make sure they’re safe and as comfortable as possible.
They’re also available in multiple sizes. This gives you a lot of control over how much you lift each eyelid. It can be difficult to match the appearance of one eye to the other. So having control over how much to lift each eyelid helps.
After trying Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips for yourself it’s easy to see that they’re effective. We’ve even seen some people use their Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips to fool surgeons.
One of our customers Kristen told us this funny story about her experience. “After being turned down for surgery due to my hooded lids, I tried Lids By Design. Well, the joke was on the surgeon, because the next time I saw him he actually said, ‘Oh you had your lids done by someone else. Wow, they look great!’ Fooled him, and got to skip the ordeal of surgery.”
You can see eyelid tape by itself is enough to correct asymmetrical eyes and improve their appearance. But if you want to try another non-surgical method, makeup can also help.
By applying makeup to certain areas of the eyelids you can create the illusion of symmetry.
This method is not as effective, because you’re not physically altering the eyes or eyelids in any way, but it can help make a difference in your appearance.
Eyeliner and eye shadow can be used to change the appearance of your eyes. By applying makeup unevenly on one eye you can change its appearance. This creates the illusion that the eyes are more even. Styling your eyelashes can also make one eye appear larger or more open.
Makeup used in a combination with eyelid tape can be a great way to drastically improve the appearance of your eyes and make them look even. Although eyelid tape is usually enough.
Of course, makeup is temporary. There are other more permanent solutions to fix eye asymmetry, but they come with a high cost and more risks.
Pros and Cons of The Surgical Procedure Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to make the eyes look even by fixing baggy, droopy, or uneven eyelids. It’s a voluntary cosmetic procedure done primarily to improve someone’s appearance. In some cases, it might also be done to improve someone’s vision.
The surgery itself involves cutting along the fold of one part of the eyelid. Then removing sagging skin, muscle, or fat from the eyelid area of the face. The cut is then closed. Then another cut is made on another part of the eyelid. Fat, excess skin or muscle can then be redistributed to this other part of the eyelid.
Surgery is always a serious consideration. There’s the cost, the risk, and the thought of permanently changing your appearance. It’s a lot to take in.
If you’re nervous about not knowing how you would look after surgery, you can use Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips. Using them will show you what you could look like after the procedure without getting it.
For other concerns you might have, the pros and cons listed below should help you make a more informed decision.
Pros of Blepharoplasty
Shorter Recovery Time Compared to Most Procedures
Compared to other cosmetic surgeries, the recovery time for Blepharoplasty isn’t very long. After the procedure, you can leave the facilities that day, and recover at home.
There are some temporary discomforts you may experience like bruising, swelling, light sensitivity, blurred vision, or watery eyes. You also won’t be able to wear contact lenses or do any strenuous work for about 2 weeks.
But during the recovery period, you won’t be completely incapacitated, or need to completely cover your eyes with bandages.
The Results Are Long Lasting
Once the surgical procedure is complete the results can be permanent. According to Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit medical organization for medical professionals, “For some people, results of surgery may last a lifetime. For others, droopy eyelids may recur.”
In either case, the results are long-lasting. But there are some risks that should still be considered.
Cons of Blepharoplasty
Some negative aspects and risks of blepharoplasty are common to surgeries in general, but some are specific to that procedure. Before considering surgery you should know the risks.
The Cost
Surgery is not cheap and blepharoplasty is no exception. According to a study performed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the cost of blepharoplasty in 2017 was about $3,026 on average.
This doesn’t include hospital fees, and the cost of any time or equipment needed for recovery. It’s also important to remember that many insurances don’t cover aesthetic procedures.
Blepharoplasty is a primarily cosmetic procedure, so you’ll likely be paying for it out of pocket.
Lengthy and Complicated Preparation For Surgery
As with any surgery you want to go through a strict vetting process to make sure the surgeon is capable and experienced. This could mean weeks or months of consultation visits and research, just to find someone you feel comfortable with.
Once you do choose a surgeon you’ll need to undergo many appointments and exams in preparation for the surgery.
You’ll have to undergo an initial consultation, a physical exam with extensive eye measurements, vision tests, tear tests, and finally, pictures will need to be taken of your eyes.
There are multiple steps to complete in the process that could take longer than expected. Additionally, you may need to do a follow-up surgery if complications occur.
Risks of Potentially Permanent Damage
Every surgery comes with risks of things like infection, reactions to anesthesia, and blood clots. But blepharoplasty comes with a few more specific risks that you should be aware of.
According to Mayo Clinic, the risks of blepharoplasty include:
Infection and bleeding
Dry, irritated eyes
Difficulty closing your eyes or other eyelid problems
Noticeable scarring
Injury to eye muscles
Skin discoloration
The need for a follow-up surgery
Temporarily blurred vision or, rarely, loss of eyesight
Some of these risks such as scarring and skin discoloration involve permanent changes to your appearance. Other more serious risks could even permanently impair your vision. Although these risks can be rare it’s important to be aware of them.
There are a lot of different ways to fix uneven eyes. Surgery isn’t the only option. Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips are an effective way to quickly and drastically fix asymmetrical eyes. Using makeup is an also option, and can even be used with Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips.
If you’ve been looking for a way to fix asymmetrical eyes check out Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips. They last all day and blend in perfectly with your skin. Try them for yourself to see what they can do for you.
This article is Originally Posted here: https://contoursrx.com/the-lift/uneven-eyelids-how-to-easily-fix-asymmetrical-eyes-without-surgery/
If you found this article useful, here are some others that may be of interest.
Non-Surgical Eyelift – Alternative Treatments For Droopy Eyelids in 2021
Eyelid Tape – Comparison of Top Eyelid Tape Brands
Asymmetrical Eyes – Causes & Treatment For Asymmetrical Eyes
The good news is you can fix uneven-looking eyes. If you’re concerned about the risks or cost of surgery, then there’s even more good news.
You can even fix asymmetrical uneven looking eyes without surgery.
This post will show you how. There are two ways to easily and dramatically improve the appearance of asymmetrical or droopy eyelids without surgery. You’ll also get some more info on surgical solutions, so you can be in the know about the risks involved.
But before getting into how to fix asymmetrical eyes, it’s helpful to know what causes eyes to look uneven in the first place.
Why Do My Eyes Look Uneven?: Common Causes of Asymmetrical Eyes
It’s true that facial asymmetry is perfectly normal, but some people develop more noticeable differences between their eyes than the average person. There are a variety of causes for these differences. Some are natural, and others are due to medical conditions. Aging is one of the most common causes of uneven eyes.
Aging Can Cause Asymmetrical Uneven Eyes
As people age, it becomes more likely that they’ll develop uneven eyes. According to a study of facial symmetry published in The National Library of Medicine, as people, age facial asymmetry tends to increase.
The reasons for this could be due to the soft tissues in the face changing shape over time. Another contributing factor may be the asymmetrical growth of the skeleton as old bone tissue is naturally replaced by new bone tissue. The changing elasticity of the skin as you age may also contribute to an uneven appearance.
Eyelids also tend to droop when you get older. The muscle supporting eyelids can weaken over time. This causes them to sag and can make eyes look uneven.
Genetics Can Cause Asymmetrical Eyes
Most people are born without perfect facial symmetry. Genetics is a natural cause for uneven eyes. Genetically uneven eyebrows or the shape of someone’s nose may also contribute to the appearance of asymmetrical eyes.
Genetically uneven eyes are not a cause for concern. They are common and generally don’t interfere with anyone’s health. Most genetically uneven eyes aren’t very noticeable. Especially compared to uneven eyes caused by more serious medical conditions.
Medical Conditions Can Cause Asymmetrical Eyes
A variety of medical conditions from physical trauma to disease can cause eyes to become asymmetrical.
Some common medical causes include:
This condition causes the eye to appear sunken. Eyelids may also look retracted. It’s not unusual for people with enophthalmos to have noticeably uneven eyes.
People affected by ptosis have eyelids that look droopy. It can affect one or both eyelids. It’s more common in older people, and generally isn’t a cause for concern. But ptosis can be dangerous if the eyelid droops enough to block someone’s vision.
Proptosis causes the eye to protrude forward. It gives the appearance of eyes that are bulging. This condition may also come with more serious symptoms of pain, and pulsing of the affected eye.
Bell’s Palsy
This condition only affects one side of the face. It causes the affected side to become paralyzed. This affects the eye causing it to droop along with the mouth.
How to Fix Asymmetrical Eyes Without Surgery
There are a few viable solutions to fixing asymmetrical eyes without surgery. These methods, while temporary, are effective. With them, you can give your eyes the appearance of being even and symmetrical.
These methods can be reapplied as often as needed. You can use them on a daily basis, or as needed for special occasions.
The first, and most effective, way to make your eyes look even without surgery is Eyelid Tape.
Eyelid Tape
Think of eyelid tape like one-a-day contact lenses. They’re invisible and once you put them on you can wear them all day. After putting them on you’ll instantly see the difference.
Eyelid tape works by lifting skin sagging over your eyelid. You can use them to lift one or both of your eyes to give them a more symmetrical and youthful appearance.
It’s much more immediately cost-effective and safe than surgery. It also gives you all the same benefits. If the eyelid tape is well made it should also be comfortable to wear too.
The Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips from Contours RX is an eyelid tape that only uses high-quality materials. They’re lab-tested and latex-free to make sure they’re safe and as comfortable as possible.
They’re also available in multiple sizes. This gives you a lot of control over how much you lift each eyelid. It can be difficult to match the appearance of one eye to the other. So having control over how much to lift each eyelid helps.
After trying Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips for yourself it’s easy to see that they’re effective. We’ve even seen some people use their Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips to fool surgeons.
One of our customers Kristen told us this funny story about her experience. “After being turned down for surgery due to my hooded lids, I tried Lids By Design. Well, the joke was on the surgeon, because the next time I saw him he actually said, ‘Oh you had your lids done by someone else. Wow, they look great!’ Fooled him, and got to skip the ordeal of surgery.”
You can see eyelid tape by itself is enough to correct asymmetrical eyes and improve their appearance. But if you want to try another non-surgical method, makeup can also help.
By applying makeup to certain areas of the eyelids you can create the illusion of symmetry.
This method is not as effective, because you’re not physically altering the eyes or eyelids in any way, but it can help make a difference in your appearance.
Eyeliner and eye shadow can be used to change the appearance of your eyes. By applying makeup unevenly on one eye you can change its appearance. This creates the illusion that the eyes are more even. Styling your eyelashes can also make one eye appear larger or more open.
Makeup used in a combination with eyelid tape can be a great way to drastically improve the appearance of your eyes and make them look even. Although eyelid tape is usually enough.
Of course, makeup is temporary. There are other more permanent solutions to fix eye asymmetry, but they come with a high cost and more risks.
Pros and Cons of The Surgical Procedure Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to make the eyes look even by fixing baggy, droopy, or uneven eyelids. It’s a voluntary cosmetic procedure done primarily to improve someone’s appearance. In some cases, it might also be done to improve someone’s vision.
The surgery itself involves cutting along the fold of one part of the eyelid. Then removing sagging skin, muscle, or fat from the eyelid area of the face. The cut is then closed. Then another cut is made on another part of the eyelid. Fat, excess skin or muscle can then be redistributed to this other part of the eyelid.
Surgery is always a serious consideration. There’s the cost, the risk, and the thought of permanently changing your appearance. It’s a lot to take in.
If you’re nervous about not knowing how you would look after surgery, you can use Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips. Using them will show you what you could look like after the procedure without getting it.
For other concerns you might have, the pros and cons listed below should help you make a more informed decision.
Pros of Blepharoplasty
Shorter Recovery Time Compared to Most Procedures
Compared to other cosmetic surgeries, the recovery time for Blepharoplasty isn’t very long. After the procedure, you can leave the facilities that day, and recover at home.
There are some temporary discomforts you may experience like bruising, swelling, light sensitivity, blurred vision, or watery eyes. You also won’t be able to wear contact lenses or do any strenuous work for about 2 weeks.
But during the recovery period, you won’t be completely incapacitated, or need to completely cover your eyes with bandages.
The Results Are Long Lasting
Once the surgical procedure is complete the results can be permanent. According to Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit medical organization for medical professionals, “For some people, results of surgery may last a lifetime. For others, droopy eyelids may recur.”
In either case, the results are long-lasting. But there are some risks that should still be considered.
Cons of Blepharoplasty
Some negative aspects and risks of blepharoplasty are common to surgeries in general, but some are specific to that procedure. Before considering surgery you should know the risks.
The Cost
Surgery is not cheap and blepharoplasty is no exception. According to a study performed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the cost of blepharoplasty in 2017 was about $3,026 on average.
This doesn’t include hospital fees, and the cost of any time or equipment needed for recovery. It’s also important to remember that many insurances don’t cover aesthetic procedures.
Blepharoplasty is a primarily cosmetic procedure, so you’ll likely be paying for it out of pocket.
Lengthy and Complicated Preparation For Surgery
As with any surgery you want to go through a strict vetting process to make sure the surgeon is capable and experienced. This could mean weeks or months of consultation visits and research, just to find someone you feel comfortable with.
Once you do choose a surgeon you’ll need to undergo many appointments and exams in preparation for the surgery.
You’ll have to undergo an initial consultation, a physical exam with extensive eye measurements, vision tests, tear tests, and finally, pictures will need to be taken of your eyes.
There are multiple steps to complete in the process that could take longer than expected. Additionally, you may need to do a follow-up surgery if complications occur.
Risks of Potentially Permanent Damage
Every surgery comes with risks of things like infection, reactions to anesthesia, and blood clots. But blepharoplasty comes with a few more specific risks that you should be aware of.
According to Mayo Clinic, the risks of blepharoplasty include:
Infection and bleeding
Dry, irritated eyes
Difficulty closing your eyes or other eyelid problems
Noticeable scarring
Injury to eye muscles
Skin discoloration
The need for a follow-up surgery
Temporarily blurred vision or, rarely, loss of eyesight
Some of these risks such as scarring and skin discoloration involve permanent changes to your appearance. Other more serious risks could even permanently impair your vision. Although these risks can be rare it’s important to be aware of them.
There are a lot of different ways to fix uneven eyes. Surgery isn’t the only option. Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips are an effective way to quickly and drastically fix asymmetrical eyes. Using makeup is an also option, and can even be used with Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips.
If you’ve been looking for a way to fix asymmetrical eyes check out Lids By Design Instant Eyelid Correcting Strips. They last all day and blend in perfectly with your skin. Try them for yourself to see what they can do for you.
This article is Originally Posted here: https://contoursrx.com/the-lift/uneven-eyelids-how-to-easily-fix-asymmetrical-eyes-without-surgery/
If you found this article useful, here are some others that may be of interest.
Non-Surgical Eyelift – Alternative Treatments For Droopy Eyelids in 2021
Eyelid Tape – Comparison of Top Eyelid Tape Brands
Asymmetrical Eyes – Causes & Treatment For Asymmetrical Eyes
01/27/2022 22:13 #60876
Why I Love the Underrated Cat’s Tongue BrushCategory: arts
Have you ever used a Cat’s Tongue brush? I use them all the time and they are my absolute favorite brush type for painting watercolors. When I started painting, no one ever talked about it. The clear front runners were angular brushes, round brushes, flat brushes, and even liner brushes. But never the Cat’s Tongue brush and that is by far my top pick. If you find a good one, it is like the Swiss army knife of watercolor brushes.
I often paint an entire painting with just one Cat’s Tongue brush. This brush is unique because of its triangular shape and when you get a good one, the point will be springy so you can get thick and thin lines like a round brush can. When I painted this mermaid, I was able to paint the tail with straight edges from the sides, like a flat brush.I squeezed into the details of the fin and the arms with the point. Medium lines for the seaweed were achieved with the medium lines from the edge.
You can also get big washes for large areas with a flat side. When I painted the mermaid’s tail, I used the flat side of the brush and moved in a zigzag motion to cover this area. I also used it this way for the background. Covering the dry paper with water first, I then took a dark mixture and put it in the outer area with the flat side, using different techniques to pull the water and change the values accordingly.
Depending on the size of this style of brush (they come as small as a 2 and as big as a 12), the bellies aren’t the biggest but they can hold a nice amount of water. When I started, I admit I bought too many brushes and had no idea what I was doing. All types; real hair, synthetic, and mixes of the two. All different shapes and sizes. I really should have slowed down and focused on one brush at a time. For beginners with a tight budget, this is the first brush I would recommend because it is so versatile.
I used the no. 4 2400 Golden Taklon Cat’s Tongue brush and it is synthetic. If you haven’t tried this style, I highly recommend you do!

Cat tongue brush
ZEM Brush Ambassador Erika Barriga is a freelance watercolor illustrator. Her beautiful pieces are whimsical and playful, perfect for kids and kids at heart. She has given us a little peek behind the scenes at her process, from pencil drawing to the final illustration. Her favorite ZEM brush is the no. 4 2400 Golden Taklon Cat’s Tongue brush.
This post was originally posted on: https://www.zembrush.com/blog/why-i-love-the-underrated-cats-tongue-brush/
Cat Tongue Brush Related Products:
I often paint an entire painting with just one Cat’s Tongue brush. This brush is unique because of its triangular shape and when you get a good one, the point will be springy so you can get thick and thin lines like a round brush can. When I painted this mermaid, I was able to paint the tail with straight edges from the sides, like a flat brush.I squeezed into the details of the fin and the arms with the point. Medium lines for the seaweed were achieved with the medium lines from the edge.
You can also get big washes for large areas with a flat side. When I painted the mermaid’s tail, I used the flat side of the brush and moved in a zigzag motion to cover this area. I also used it this way for the background. Covering the dry paper with water first, I then took a dark mixture and put it in the outer area with the flat side, using different techniques to pull the water and change the values accordingly.
Depending on the size of this style of brush (they come as small as a 2 and as big as a 12), the bellies aren’t the biggest but they can hold a nice amount of water. When I started, I admit I bought too many brushes and had no idea what I was doing. All types; real hair, synthetic, and mixes of the two. All different shapes and sizes. I really should have slowed down and focused on one brush at a time. For beginners with a tight budget, this is the first brush I would recommend because it is so versatile.
I used the no. 4 2400 Golden Taklon Cat’s Tongue brush and it is synthetic. If you haven’t tried this style, I highly recommend you do!

Cat tongue brush
ZEM Brush Ambassador Erika Barriga is a freelance watercolor illustrator. Her beautiful pieces are whimsical and playful, perfect for kids and kids at heart. She has given us a little peek behind the scenes at her process, from pencil drawing to the final illustration. Her favorite ZEM brush is the no. 4 2400 Golden Taklon Cat’s Tongue brush.
This post was originally posted on: https://www.zembrush.com/blog/why-i-love-the-underrated-cats-tongue-brush/
Cat Tongue Brush Related Products:
12/02/2021 09:18 #60858
What are the Benefits of Learning CPR Online?Did you know that the chance of survival for cardiac arrest victims has gone up by 200%? A renowned organization has stated this in its report, provided that CPR should be administered within the initial two minutes of the attack.
More and more people are realizing the importance of learning CPR, and CPR certification is becoming increasingly popular. Learning how to perform CPR in a traditional classroom setting is beneficial. However, with the current scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic and people being left with very little time, learning CPR online is the quickest and surest way of learning these skills.
Also, the good news is that the CPR certification has been made available online for your convenience. Several reputed organizations offer online CPR classes that will help you become a certified cardiovascular resuscitator.
Let’s jump into the benefits of online CPR classes!
Here, we help you with some top advantages of online CPR training.
Varied CPR Certification Courses
You can find varied CPR certification courses available online, right from Basic CPR classes, First-aid Certification to advanced Adult CPR/AED training, Pediatric CPR classes, BLS CPR for Healthcare providers, CPR & First-aid Adult-Child-Infant, Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, and more.
You can choose the CPR course that best fits your requirements and adds value to your current or future employment.
Class Length
Online CPR classes are shorter that will only take a few hours of your time to learn. Approximately, it takes from 30 minutes to 3 hours based on the type of CPR course you choose. Besides, the classes are tailor-made to suit individuals’ requirements and you can study at your own pace.
Another interesting point is that some classes are set up in a hybrid style that allows you to take 80% of the course online and the remaining 20% could be done hands-on and in-person for practical knowledge and experience. This gives you the advantage of taking a large portion of the course anywhere and anytime you want.
Standardized Curriculum
The online courses maintain a standardized curriculum and guidelines as set by the American Heart Association. The modules are interactive and you can retake them if you feel like you haven’t completely grasped the information.
One of the biggest benefits of attending a CPR course online is that you’ll have the flexibility to take the course anytime you want, either in the morning, evening or even during weekends whenever you have free time. Just get connected to the internet on your smartphone or laptop, and you are good to go.
Self-paced Learning
Most online CPR courses are tailor-made that let you learn at your own pace without feeling dragged behind by anyone. Self-paced learning allows you to access materials at your speed, which means you can focus on things you find challenging and breeze past things that you already know. This promotes greater efficiency and minimizes wasted time.
Online CPR certification provides you the convenience to take the classes from anywhere and be certified without being physically present in the classes.
Easy & Unlimited Access
Online classes help you have easy and unlimited access to resources. You can revisit the modules if you need a refresher or for revision. Moreover, the learning centers help you choose the right material for your course with extensive resources available online.
Online CPR certification courses are affordable, so you don’t have to worry about spending more. Also, some organizations let you take multiple testing attempts free of cost.
AHA Recognized
Most organizations that offer CPR or First-Aid certification courses online are AHA-recognized. However, make sure the course you sign up for is recognized by the American Heart Association and accepted by your employer.
Being aware that online CPR certification classes are beneficial, it is essential to consider a few important points before choosing a CPR class online. Read on.
While choosing a CPR course online, make sure it meets your specific requirements, relates to your job, or for specific medical conditions for which the risk of cardiac arrest is high. In addition, pay attention to the below things in advance of enrollment.
In the first place, check if the institution you choose to enroll for a CPR certification is AHA recognized and accepted by your employer.
Check if it is an accredited organization that follows the guidelines set up by AHA. The curriculum or training materials should meet the standards followed by ARC or AHA.
Verify if the instructors are certified or trained with the perfect track record of their certifications being accepted by reputed organizations.
Have a look at the varied CPR courses offered, and the course you consider signing up for meets your requirements and is valuable.
Go through the teaching modules and instructional tools they use for the training and make sure everything falls in place to become efficiently certified.
Last but not least, consult if the fee is affordable and meets your budget.
To sum up, do thorough research and background check to get trained as a professional cardiovascular resuscitator.
Final Word
Learning CPR makes a difference between the life and death of a person in need. With online CPR Certification classes, you can become certified at the pace of your convenience and at less time and price. An online and AHA-approved CPR certification course would be the ideal choice if you are planning to learn CPR at your convenience.
First Aid Training Online: https://www.simplecpr.com/online-first-aid-courses-classes
More and more people are realizing the importance of learning CPR, and CPR certification is becoming increasingly popular. Learning how to perform CPR in a traditional classroom setting is beneficial. However, with the current scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic and people being left with very little time, learning CPR online is the quickest and surest way of learning these skills.
Also, the good news is that the CPR certification has been made available online for your convenience. Several reputed organizations offer online CPR classes that will help you become a certified cardiovascular resuscitator.
Let’s jump into the benefits of online CPR classes!
Here, we help you with some top advantages of online CPR training.
Varied CPR Certification Courses
You can find varied CPR certification courses available online, right from Basic CPR classes, First-aid Certification to advanced Adult CPR/AED training, Pediatric CPR classes, BLS CPR for Healthcare providers, CPR & First-aid Adult-Child-Infant, Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, and more.
You can choose the CPR course that best fits your requirements and adds value to your current or future employment.
Class Length
Online CPR classes are shorter that will only take a few hours of your time to learn. Approximately, it takes from 30 minutes to 3 hours based on the type of CPR course you choose. Besides, the classes are tailor-made to suit individuals’ requirements and you can study at your own pace.
Another interesting point is that some classes are set up in a hybrid style that allows you to take 80% of the course online and the remaining 20% could be done hands-on and in-person for practical knowledge and experience. This gives you the advantage of taking a large portion of the course anywhere and anytime you want.
Standardized Curriculum
The online courses maintain a standardized curriculum and guidelines as set by the American Heart Association. The modules are interactive and you can retake them if you feel like you haven’t completely grasped the information.
One of the biggest benefits of attending a CPR course online is that you’ll have the flexibility to take the course anytime you want, either in the morning, evening or even during weekends whenever you have free time. Just get connected to the internet on your smartphone or laptop, and you are good to go.
Self-paced Learning
Most online CPR courses are tailor-made that let you learn at your own pace without feeling dragged behind by anyone. Self-paced learning allows you to access materials at your speed, which means you can focus on things you find challenging and breeze past things that you already know. This promotes greater efficiency and minimizes wasted time.
Online CPR certification provides you the convenience to take the classes from anywhere and be certified without being physically present in the classes.
Easy & Unlimited Access
Online classes help you have easy and unlimited access to resources. You can revisit the modules if you need a refresher or for revision. Moreover, the learning centers help you choose the right material for your course with extensive resources available online.
Online CPR certification courses are affordable, so you don’t have to worry about spending more. Also, some organizations let you take multiple testing attempts free of cost.
AHA Recognized
Most organizations that offer CPR or First-Aid certification courses online are AHA-recognized. However, make sure the course you sign up for is recognized by the American Heart Association and accepted by your employer.
Being aware that online CPR certification classes are beneficial, it is essential to consider a few important points before choosing a CPR class online. Read on.
While choosing a CPR course online, make sure it meets your specific requirements, relates to your job, or for specific medical conditions for which the risk of cardiac arrest is high. In addition, pay attention to the below things in advance of enrollment.
In the first place, check if the institution you choose to enroll for a CPR certification is AHA recognized and accepted by your employer.
Check if it is an accredited organization that follows the guidelines set up by AHA. The curriculum or training materials should meet the standards followed by ARC or AHA.
Verify if the instructors are certified or trained with the perfect track record of their certifications being accepted by reputed organizations.
Have a look at the varied CPR courses offered, and the course you consider signing up for meets your requirements and is valuable.
Go through the teaching modules and instructional tools they use for the training and make sure everything falls in place to become efficiently certified.
Last but not least, consult if the fee is affordable and meets your budget.
To sum up, do thorough research and background check to get trained as a professional cardiovascular resuscitator.
Final Word
Learning CPR makes a difference between the life and death of a person in need. With online CPR Certification classes, you can become certified at the pace of your convenience and at less time and price. An online and AHA-approved CPR certification course would be the ideal choice if you are planning to learn CPR at your convenience.
First Aid Training Online: https://www.simplecpr.com/online-first-aid-courses-classes
10/20/2021 03:42 #60853
Comparison of Top Eyelid Tape Brands with Contours RxCategory: beauty
Our world is so full of option and choice, it can be difficult to know when you are getting the best of something. From hair care and body care to makeup, companies that may have similar products are not always created equal. In the last fews years, instant eyelid tape has become more and more popular. From Asian eyelid tapes to more medical-grade eyelid tapes, the options run along a spectrum of cost and quality; but are you always getting the most bang for your buck?We decided to try all of the top eyelid tape correction brands, including our own, to see what stood out the most.
Top Eyelid Brands
1. Asian Eyelid Tapes
Asian eyelid tapes have been around for a long time, and were made quite popular in China and Korea to give users with monolids a more Westernized eyelid. Because of their more playful use in the culture, these eyelid tapes are made with cheaper materials and glues, which cost very little to the customer. Therefore, these tapes are not latex-free, hypoallergenic, or medical-grade.
I applied this eyelid tape using my fingers, as instructed, and used the tool to press it into my eyelid. Because I already have a more Western eyelid shape, the results that were achieved were minimal. These tapes were more visible on the eyelid because they had little pores on the surface, which ultimately didn’t end up blending with my skin tone. This brand lasted 2 hours before they began to fall off.
MAGICSTRIPES have become a very popular eyelid beauty tape in the US, and is easily available on Amazon and other beauty websites. MAGICSTRIPES does not claim to be hypoallergenic, latex-free, or medical-grade and comes in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large.
I removed the medium tapes using my fingers, as per the instructions, and placed it on my eyelid. Once again, I found that the tape was noticeable on the eyelid although it did provide a lift. I also noticed that by using my fingers, I had damaged the corners while removing the tapes, which made them more noticeable. MAGICSTRIPES lasted 4 hours before beginning to fall off.
Something interesting and unexpected we discovered is the incredible similarity between a version of the Asian tape we purchased and the MAGICSTRIPES product. The only difference we could detect was that MAGICSTRIPES provided 32 strips for $26.00 and the Asian-packaged equivalent provided 120 strips for $3.96.
3. LIDS BY DESIGN, from Contours Rx
LIDS BY DESIGN stands out as the only eyelid tape on the market to be latex-free, hypoallergenic, and made from medical-grade materials. Their patented eyelid tape designs are unique to this company, their tapes are made in Germany, and they offer 6 unique sizes: from 3mm-8mm. Each box contains 80 strips.
I placed a 5mm tape on my eyelid using the tweezers provided in the kit. The tape easily blended into the skin tone, noticeably better than the other brands, and evenly contoured my eyelid. These eyelid tapes lasted all day on my eyelids until they were removed.
4. Eye Magic
Eye Magic is the last brand we tested. This brand states they are hypoallergenic and medical-grade but are not latex-free. This product is different in that there is an emollient gel that you are instructed to place on the tape before using it because the tape is too sticky to be placed directly on the eye safely. The company does not state how many tapes are in each box, but it appears to be about 60. This product is available in 4 sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large.
I used my finger to put the emollient gel on the tape and then placed the tape on my eyelid. The gel created a wet sensation on my eyelid that remained for quite some time. The eyelid tape went on fairly smoothly but did not stick for very long on account of the gel, so it began to fall off after 1 hour. I tried the tape without the gel and as the company states, the strong adhesive makes it difficult to remove and does irritate the skin.
This article is Originally Posted here : https://contoursrx.com/the-lift/comparison-of-top-eyelid-tape-brands-with-contours-rx/
If you found this article useful, here are some others that may be of interest.
Non-Surgical Eyelift – Alternative Treatments For Droopy Eyelids in 2021
How to Easily Fix Asymmetrical Eyes – Without Surgery
Eyelid Tape For Ptosis The Best Non-Surgical Eye Lifting Treatment
Top Eyelid Brands
1. Asian Eyelid Tapes
Asian eyelid tapes have been around for a long time, and were made quite popular in China and Korea to give users with monolids a more Westernized eyelid. Because of their more playful use in the culture, these eyelid tapes are made with cheaper materials and glues, which cost very little to the customer. Therefore, these tapes are not latex-free, hypoallergenic, or medical-grade.
I applied this eyelid tape using my fingers, as instructed, and used the tool to press it into my eyelid. Because I already have a more Western eyelid shape, the results that were achieved were minimal. These tapes were more visible on the eyelid because they had little pores on the surface, which ultimately didn’t end up blending with my skin tone. This brand lasted 2 hours before they began to fall off.
MAGICSTRIPES have become a very popular eyelid beauty tape in the US, and is easily available on Amazon and other beauty websites. MAGICSTRIPES does not claim to be hypoallergenic, latex-free, or medical-grade and comes in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large.
I removed the medium tapes using my fingers, as per the instructions, and placed it on my eyelid. Once again, I found that the tape was noticeable on the eyelid although it did provide a lift. I also noticed that by using my fingers, I had damaged the corners while removing the tapes, which made them more noticeable. MAGICSTRIPES lasted 4 hours before beginning to fall off.
Something interesting and unexpected we discovered is the incredible similarity between a version of the Asian tape we purchased and the MAGICSTRIPES product. The only difference we could detect was that MAGICSTRIPES provided 32 strips for $26.00 and the Asian-packaged equivalent provided 120 strips for $3.96.
3. LIDS BY DESIGN, from Contours Rx
LIDS BY DESIGN stands out as the only eyelid tape on the market to be latex-free, hypoallergenic, and made from medical-grade materials. Their patented eyelid tape designs are unique to this company, their tapes are made in Germany, and they offer 6 unique sizes: from 3mm-8mm. Each box contains 80 strips.
I placed a 5mm tape on my eyelid using the tweezers provided in the kit. The tape easily blended into the skin tone, noticeably better than the other brands, and evenly contoured my eyelid. These eyelid tapes lasted all day on my eyelids until they were removed.
4. Eye Magic
Eye Magic is the last brand we tested. This brand states they are hypoallergenic and medical-grade but are not latex-free. This product is different in that there is an emollient gel that you are instructed to place on the tape before using it because the tape is too sticky to be placed directly on the eye safely. The company does not state how many tapes are in each box, but it appears to be about 60. This product is available in 4 sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large.
I used my finger to put the emollient gel on the tape and then placed the tape on my eyelid. The gel created a wet sensation on my eyelid that remained for quite some time. The eyelid tape went on fairly smoothly but did not stick for very long on account of the gel, so it began to fall off after 1 hour. I tried the tape without the gel and as the company states, the strong adhesive makes it difficult to remove and does irritate the skin.
This article is Originally Posted here : https://contoursrx.com/the-lift/comparison-of-top-eyelid-tape-brands-with-contours-rx/
If you found this article useful, here are some others that may be of interest.
Non-Surgical Eyelift – Alternative Treatments For Droopy Eyelids in 2021
How to Easily Fix Asymmetrical Eyes – Without Surgery
Eyelid Tape For Ptosis The Best Non-Surgical Eye Lifting Treatment
Written After
Written Before
- 10/16/21 The Importance Of Getting CPR Or First-Aid Training
- 09/08/21 Non- Surgical Eyelift – Alternative Treatments For Droopy Eyelids In 2020
- 09/07/21 Reasons Why A Person Needs Online CPR Certification
- 08/21/21 Functions Of Engine Cylinder Head
- 08/16/21 CPR Certification Or BLS Certification – How Do You Choose The Ideal CPR Class