Last weekend we went to a gay techno camp out in very rural West Virginia. It was interesting to see people from big city gay culture as there were attendees there from Toronto, Pittsburg. Chicago, San Francisco, Berlin, New York Altanta etc. I felt like a country mouse. That had terms I really didn't know and a lot of outfit changes. I think some people changed more times in one day than I do in a week. The best outfit was neon trimmed tightly whities or a guy who was actually dressed as a merman with a unileg.
The nature itself was pretty awesome. It was very secluded in the mountains and had a a combination of all the amenities plus 10 miles of scenic hiking trails.
The place and event was male only, which as you can imagine would lead to a lot of craziness. There was some controversy concern the exclusivity but I find it so interesting to see how a huge number of gay guys behave with no females around to keep them in check. It's pretty much exactly what you would expect.
They had non stop DJs. All day by the pool, all evening at the Saloon and then from 12 am to around 6am out at a giant dance setup in the forest.
There was even a sex barn. I'll just leave it at that. Wait I won't just leave it at that, lol, no there were no animals involved.
At one point I was watching a naked drag queen in eight inch heels and an full back size upside cross tattoo dancing in the sun by the pool smoking and I thought this is exactly what all the Christian conservatives thing gay life is like.
I will go back next year and bring more people.