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07/11/2016 21:18 #60550

24 hours to Flensburg
Category: vacation
From leaving home to arriving at our first stop in Flensburg it took us almost 24 hours of traveling.

I think this is my third trip on a plane. Even though everyone always talks about hating flying and traveling I was still pretty excited. We were on a new Boeing 787 and everything, going from Toronto to Zurich, and then Hamburg.
It turns out it's pretty terrible and impossible to sleep on it. I think I want a tranquilizer if I ever fly this long again.
Luckily they fed us a lot.

The Zurich Airport was like the fanciest capitalist mall you've ever seen. I don't think I even saw a sandwich for under ~$10USD. They also had smoking lounges everywhere with huge cigarette ads. All of them have to say in huge letters "Rauchen ist tödlich" or "Smoking is deadly". I can't believe smoking is a big thing in 2016, but at least it's voluntary to go into the ventilated rooms.

It turns out our plane was an hour late to Zurich, so we missed our flight to Hamburg (by five minutes). We ran but they had already closed the gate. So they put us on a few hours later on a Swiss plane to Hamburg. At this point I freaked out a bit because I had a hard time understanding Swiss accents and thought I wouldn't be able to speak German with anyone.

Luckily we landed in Hamburg only 90 minutes later! The airport was also huge, and connected right with the Hauptbahnof via the S-Bahn. Once we got there we had a few minutes to kill before our train to Flensburg, so we walked around the streets nearby. It was amazing. I don't know why I didn't take more pictures. The area near the main train station is also the gayborhood, which isn't much for a 1.5 million+ city.


Otters for sale in the train station
And an otter in the regional express train :O
I made up for lost sleep on the two hour trip while Terry stole selfies.
And then, at 4pm Thursday, almost 24 hours after we left Buffalo, we were in Flensburg!

Here's the Flensburg Hauptbahnhof. In front of it was a park full of LARPing boys.

07/03/2016 21:04 #60546

Toronto Airport gambling
Category: vacation

I meant to write about the trip to Germany and Italy as it happened but slow internet and too much to do stopped that.

The Toronto airport is gargantuan and surrounded by the biggest spaghetti of highways and ramps I've ever seen. On the way in from Buffalo via 427 you pass by a mix of greenland farmland, and suburbs with downtown's twice the size of Buffalos.

Once we were in the airport waiting g for our flight, every seat had these iPads at them, where you could order food and fake gamble. I have never spent money on gambling in my life but these iPads were pretty addicting. I could just press two different buttons on a slot machine game as fast as I can and get a bunch of free food. Snacks proved to be handy later.





06/10/2016 15:20 #60521

Pride Weekend
Category: gay

lllalälPride weekend was a good crunk time.

Saturday we went to (e:Mike) and (e:dave)'s with (e:yesthatcase) for a cookout. we missed the dyke march.

After we rode down (Mike on a bike!) to see a DJ at canalside.

The next day was the parade and festival. I handed out a lot of naked bike ride flyers and took a lot of pictures of furries.

Happy pride all.








06/10/2016 15:03 #60517

Pride Weekend
Category: gay

lllalälPride weekend was a good crunk time.

Saturday we went to (e:Mike) and (e:dave)'s with (e:yesthatcase) for a cookout. we missed the dyke march.

After we rode down (Mike on a bike!) to see a DJ at canalside.

The next day was the parade and festival. I handed out a lot of naked bike ride flyers and took a lot of pictures of furries.

Happy pride all.








06/10/2016 14:59 #60516

Pride Weekend
Category: gay

lllalälPride weekend was a good crunk time.

Saturday we went to (e:Mike) and (e:dave)'s with (e:yesthatcase) for a cookout. we missed the dyke march.

After we rode down (Mike on a bike!) to see a DJ at canalside.

The next day was the parade and festival. I handed out a lot of naked bike ride flyers and took a lot of pictures of furries.

Happy pride all.






