I think I found my Halloween costume for next year.
06/18/2016 09:11 #60540
Giant Hogweed in Leipzig Botanic Gardens Category:
It says on the red sign in German that it's dangerous to touch but it's right in the path.
Seems dangerous.
Here is the giant Hogweed wiki article
06/16/2016 07:39 #60538
In Leipzig Category:
Finally got to Leipzig. It seems like a really cool city. The downtown is amazing. Everything is old and at the same time interspersed with very new high end malls, stores, restaurants and shops.
We saw the church where the revolution that over through the DDR went down. Apparently, the people protested there and the government sent in the police to break it up back in 1989. When the police got there, they joined in the protest which was the beginning of the end.
Sometimes It makes me sad. This side of Germany is so Americanized now.
For example, there are more McDonalds, Burger Kings, KFCs and Pizza Huts here than at home.
Now you can experience the DDR presence at the DDR store at the mall. It's such a ridiculous statement that such a store exists. It's as if even that can be capitalized and commerciazed.
Non-GMO sunflowers?