It was also fun hanging out with Tom again and meeting his friend Tony.
The only thing I would have done different next time would be to get more videos and to not stay right in between the stages as it made a pretty crazy blend of music.
08/05/2015 21:11 #60150
Happy Birthday Joe Category: birthdays
Happy birthday, you are the best. I hope 24 is the most biketastic year ever where bikes and technology intersect.
08/02/2015 19:54 #60143
Clinton Bailey Farmers Market Category: food
Whatever other farmers market you are going to, you should instead try the Clinton Bailey one. The food options are amazing and the prices are great too.
08/01/2015 11:15 #60142
Chiraschi Bowl Category:
I love the chiraschi bowl lunch at Seabar. Unfortunately, its $16 and not to filling for a fatty like me so I need to pair it with a bowl of fries $5. They are also delicious but that brings lunch to a total of $21, with drink about $25 which means its a once in a blue moon event.