I kept up the bike death march with
(e:paul), because
(e:terry) broke his big toe on the stairs ;(
Have you ever noticed the maze of signs near Church Street and the 190 talking about the Irish Famine Memorial? I've seen them before but never thought about it. Paul and I decided to follow through with them.
Starting at South Elmwood and Church, you zip across the street down Lower Terrace. There, you're sent under the 190, west via Erie Street. The last one just points into the Synacor parking lot on the Inner Harbor.
Which is where the memorial actually is.
At first I thought this was the memorial - a sign and some flowers.
It turned out it was 20 feet behind it. A big stone fountain that wasn't filled with water. I wonder if it was there before Synacor's office? The whole Inner Harbor is a suburban mess if you ask me.
Anyway Paul wanted clams, so we went to the Hatch. He seemed to like them a lot. There were a ton of people hanging around and lots of mom and gramma booty shaking going on to Sweet Home Alabama.
Our last stop was looking at Riverworks. It feels like a crazy big city entertainment area. Even on a Sunday they had people rollerskating on a rink, a big snackstand and double decked restaurant etc. I wonder how big it's going to get. They had the remnants of a warehouse nextdoor with the old rebar all artsily layed out. I wanted to jump over all the concrete and explore ;( too late to do that in Buffalo anymore.