Paul's Journal
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07/18/2015 10:39 #60113
The Ceiling At WorkCategory: work
07/13/2015 00:19 #60110
Walking around ClevelandCategory: cleveland
07/13/2015 00:16 #60109
Arab Cooking ShowCategory: food
07/12/2015 23:48 #60108
Case WesternCategory: cleveland
We went to Cleveland to visit (e:how)'s friend Sarah who was having her white coat ceremony for starting medical school.
That had this crazy giant touch screen in the school.
oh ok
i know about Raynaud's phenomenon
yes you are right
I've been to the doctor before. They don't stay this way. Just when its cold. I believe it's called Raynaud's.
dear ((e:Paul)) i read an article about nail color and symptoms of disease, i found burgundy and blue nails part of that, i understand it can means that the body can not get enough oxygen. This problem is potentially indicative of a type of lung infection such as pneumonia or heart problems.
do you visit doctor for this color?