A couple weeks ago (yes I am behind) we went to the movies with (e:uchina) and (e:yesthatcasey) on a beautiful spring day. We went to see Mad Max at the Galleria.
I don't know why we didn't watch the trailer or look up what it was about before but its had me decide I am never going to the movies again.
The movie was freaking terrible. it had essentially no real plot. An hour and a half of disgusting macho car culture bullshit. All of it consisted of was screaming, shooting and explosions on trucks and engines that I assume were supposed to look awesome but seriously stressed me out. Not to mention that (e:Paul) and I noticed this weird islamophobic theme to the whole thing. An oppressive desert culture running off oil, with brainwashed soldiers blowing themselves up against freedom fighters for some promised afterlife? If that's not propaganda I don't know what is.
The worst part about the movie was just when you thought it was over, the characters double back and repeats the past 45 minutes. I want my $15 bucks back.
Joe's Journal
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06/06/2015 13:10 #60024
Never seeing a movie againCategory: movies
06/06/2015 13:03 #60023
Never seeing a movie againCategory: movies
A couple weeks ago (yes I am behind) we went to the movies with (e:uchina) and (e:yesthatcasey) on a beautiful spring day. We went to see Mad Max at the Galleria.
I don't know why we didn't watch the trailer or look up what it was about before but its had me decide I am never going to the movies again.
The movie was freaking terrible. it had essentially no real plot. An hour and a half of disgusting macho car culture bullshit. All of it consisted of was screaming, shooting and explosions on trucks and engines that I assume were supposed to look awesome but seriously stressed me out. Not to mention that (e:Paul) and I noticed this weird islamophobic theme to the whole thing. An oppressive desert culture running off oil, with brainwashed soldiers blowing themselves up against freedom fighters for some promised afterlife? If that's not propaganda I don't know what is.
The worst part about the movie was just when you thought it was over, the characters double back and repeats the past 45 minutes. I want my $15 bucks back.

I don't know why we didn't watch the trailer or look up what it was about before but its had me decide I am never going to the movies again.
The movie was freaking terrible. it had essentially no real plot. An hour and a half of disgusting macho car culture bullshit. All of it consisted of was screaming, shooting and explosions on trucks and engines that I assume were supposed to look awesome but seriously stressed me out. Not to mention that (e:Paul) and I noticed this weird islamophobic theme to the whole thing. An oppressive desert culture running off oil, with brainwashed soldiers blowing themselves up against freedom fighters for some promised afterlife? If that's not propaganda I don't know what is.
The worst part about the movie was just when you thought it was over, the characters double back and repeats the past 45 minutes. I want my $15 bucks back.

05/28/2015 01:41 #60017
Buffalo bike planCategory: bikes
(e:terry) and I went down to the library for the presentation of the final city bike plan. The plan is pretty good (they even have protected lanes designated all the way down Main, and separated lanes going from the Buff State path to the city line) if they can actually manage to implement it.
After we rode with the Black Rock rollers like a block (lol) to Big Ditch and Electric Aveneue. There was a drum'n'bass night starting but we left Thankfully we got to do a real ride to the park and then our to house. (e:yesthatcasey) came over to get spanked.
I really like riding with that group - maybe I'll make it out of work earlier to ride with them.
You can view the plan here:

After we rode with the Black Rock rollers like a block (lol) to Big Ditch and Electric Aveneue. There was a drum'n'bass night starting but we left Thankfully we got to do a real ride to the park and then our to house. (e:yesthatcasey) came over to get spanked.
I really like riding with that group - maybe I'll make it out of work earlier to ride with them.
You can view the plan here:

05/28/2015 01:40 #60016
Night ridesCategory: bikes
(e:paul) and I have been taking a lot of slow rides at night lately. It's usually a perfect temperature. No one is on the road. And at Paul's preferred pace we could ride forever, chilling and talking brogramming.

On these rides he discovered maple water - water tapped out of maple trees with a slightly sweet taste. How boug!

Down at canalside they have these weird glowy men. It's cool how many people just end up hanging out there at night. How many places in Buffalo are almost occupied 24 hours a day now?

On these rides he discovered maple water - water tapped out of maple trees with a slightly sweet taste. How boug!

Down at canalside they have these weird glowy men. It's cool how many people just end up hanging out there at night. How many places in Buffalo are almost occupied 24 hours a day now?
05/28/2015 01:38 #60015
Hike at zoarCategory: hiking
(e:paul) and I headed down on Sunday to hike at Zoar. The weather was freaking perfect.
We walked down and swam a bit in the creek. The water was ridiculously high - not sure if it rained or was the snow melt still. On the way back from swimming past the flats we couldn't even walk along the creek back to climb up at point peter.
Instead, we went on this crazy non-path through the woods. I had no idea where we were going but we were hoping to find the trail. The sun was going down and the mosquitos were out.
The creepiest part was where we found two other car wrecks in the woods. Next to them were purses and shows. Real weird.
Finally we got to one of the brooks that flows over the main trail. We were able to climb right up and ended right near the parking lot.

We thought this was an emerald ash borer. I squished him. Turns out he's just a native six spotted tiger beetle. Sorry guy :(
On the plus side Paul took a gypsy moth nest and sank it in the river, mafia style.

There weren't many people down in the flats. Just one cruiser, a couple of bros, and us.

We walked down and swam a bit in the creek. The water was ridiculously high - not sure if it rained or was the snow melt still. On the way back from swimming past the flats we couldn't even walk along the creek back to climb up at point peter.
Instead, we went on this crazy non-path through the woods. I had no idea where we were going but we were hoping to find the trail. The sun was going down and the mosquitos were out.
The creepiest part was where we found two other car wrecks in the woods. Next to them were purses and shows. Real weird.
Finally we got to one of the brooks that flows over the main trail. We were able to climb right up and ended right near the parking lot.

We thought this was an emerald ash borer. I squished him. Turns out he's just a native six spotted tiger beetle. Sorry guy :(
On the plus side Paul took a gypsy moth nest and sank it in the river, mafia style.

There weren't many people down in the flats. Just one cruiser, a couple of bros, and us.

A movie so nice you had to post about it twice? ;-)
I find the islamophobic interpretation odd. I've seen at least two other people try to assign underlying messages to the movie, and every one has been completely different, which leads me to believe this is rooted in cognitive bias. I think when a movie or story defines very few elements, it allows the consumer to fill in the blanks as they wish but it doesn't lend to their validity. At least I didn't get this from the movie (nor the other interpretations I read).
Sorry you did not like it ..... I did not see the first two .... If one gets a message from it I take it more as a metaphor as the US being the bad guys and all that chaos we cause in the world cause we want oil .... I loved it and thought the guy playing guitar was great ... To me it was about the madness in the world and how everyone is crazy and kills each other over something that there is enough of and the powers that be .... Like how he only gave out a little bit of water .... But If action over the top things aren't your thing $15 IS A LOT did you see it in 3D ......