We went swimming. It was awesome but freezing. (e:terry) started to get sun stroked.
06/28/2014 13:56 #59131
Sodus Bay Category:
We are spending the weekend with the Hos at Sodus Bay. The vacation home they rented is amazing. Its a multistory home with multi-tiered deck right on the water. The food is great too. Now I just wish my sore throat would go away.
06/28/2014 01:01 #59126
Fish at Wegmans Category:
They really expanded the seafood options at Wegmans. I am pretty happy about that but the rest of the store layout changes kind of annoy the crap out of me right now.
06/28/2014 00:59 #59125
Haircuts Category:
We cut our hair before vacation. I have enough grey hair that kyla started calling me grandpa.
06/28/2014 00:57 #59123
Sato On Elmwood Category:
We went to Sato on elmwood for a late night snack. Their kitchen is open till 12am but sadly, no sushi - which is what I wanted.
The ramen was really tasty. I love the pork in the broth.