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01/16/2014 19:33 #58580

Dinner with Emily
Category: food
After work yesterday I rode up to Shish Kebob Express to have date night with Emily. She has a third job plus school now which is absolutely insane. Shish Kebob was pretty good, although I felt kind of gross after - two samoons and fried falafel will do that I guess.

She wanted to get ice cream so we went to Wegmans. I actually shopped there, and ended up paying only a few more dollars than I would have at Trader Joe's. So bougie, (e:paul) and (e:terry) should be proud. They started doing construction in the freezer section, it made the whole store smell like mildew, so sick.

Tina Fey has her own ice cream

Valentine's candy is out... has to be my second favorite candy related holiday after Easter.

Even Basra gets organic at Wegman's.

paul - 01/17/14 23:35
I am so proud of you my bougie wougie.

01/15/2014 23:50 #58578

PHP meetup and Teen Wolf
Category: programming
After work I headed over to Synacor for the PHP meetup. The Synacor developer who runs the meetup, Shawn, is pretty awesome. They have a sweet office down near the marina. We over PSRs and composer, both of which I was aware of, but didn't really know how they functioned or how to use them. I know I could always learn about anything PHP from (e:paul) but it's good that I don't always have to bother him, lol. One thing Shawn mentioned he found was good practice, especially for javascript, was trying to create a snake game as quickly as you can. I think that might be a good exercise if I ever finish this thermostat.

I started watching Teen Wolf today. Really behind considering it is now in it's third season, but I have to catch up to watch with (e:paul) and (e:terry).
It's amazing, it makes me want to be a werewolf minus people hunting me. Not to mention all the guys in it are ridic attractive. The best part is I've found all the episodes either dubbed auf Deutsch or in English with German subtitles, so hopefully it'll be a good way to practice.
(e:xandra) thinks it sucks but I say she just isn't in the target teen girl/gay man demographic.

paul - 01/17/14 23:37
Woof ;)

01/14/2014 21:09 #58576

Open mic night at Nietzsche's
Category: music
(e:xandra,58574) already posted this but I thought I'd add my recording for posterity. usually I don't like open mic nights or Nietzsche's, but this made my life.

It was a better open mic night than I thought it'd be, but I was sinusy and kind of lame, and left early with (e:terry). Besides the throaty demon lady there was a cute ukulele guy who was pretty good and some guy from the Albrights who sounded decent. I want to do karaoke.


01/12/2014 22:18 #58573

Off the wagon
Category: food

Back on that white stuff.

(e:paul) had a sugar craving yesterday after I got back from work. He wanted to go on a walk to the coop for dessert. I couldn't say no so we went with (e:terry) to the coop. We got two of the amazing peanut butter riced krispie treats, a chocolate hazelnut tart, chips, dip and some token veggies. Don't blame me!

We can try again.




sina - 01/13/14 02:45
Have a heart please
we want them with watching
joe - 01/12/14 22:28
You're right, it's health food. Doesn't count.
paul - 01/12/14 22:25
That last one is not sugar.

01/12/2014 20:35 #58570

Winter hike at Devils Hole
Category: hiking
Today (e:paul) and (e:terry) and I got up early today to go hiking with (e:Robert) and Mickey. We headed up to the gorge after a breakfast (sort of) at Dunkin.

It was so crazy icy I can't believe we actually did it. At first we weren't even going to go down into the gorge because the first set of stairs was just sheet of ice. So we kept walking down to the Devil's Hole stairs, where Paul convinced us to walk down. Or more accurately, slide down.

It was stupid dangerous but really fun. Devil's Hole smells like it exactly how sounds. The way back up was a lot easier.



Afterwards Paul and Terry headed to Paul's cousins for dinner. I ended up going on a cleaning rampage before working on the Arduino thermostat.






The classiest public bathroom ever built. Slate roof?




This tag doesn't look very happy.


joe - 01/21/14 09:09
(E:Heidi) we saw a guy wearing those spiked boots. Pretty awesome.

(E:Robert) for sure. Hopefully less icy but I'd get out of the house for sure.
heidi - 01/13/14 10:30
:::link::: yak trax! Safety first!
Robert - 01/13/14 09:17
This was a really good time. maybe we could do some winter hiking again in February!