Libertad's Journal
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06/03/2013 18:00 #57753
Still got the poison ivyCategory:
I just thought I'd put these up to compare to earlier stages. I just washed the water shoes I walked through the ivy with in the washing machine. used very warm almost hot water, tide, bleach and baking soda. I hope that got all the oil off. If not im in for round 2 next time I wear them. I can't imagine what it must be like to have this all over or in a sensitive area. Hope I never find out.
05/30/2013 21:46 #57734
eat meCategory:
metalpeter - 06/03/13 18:09
Wow... The Hen sings sounds interesting.....
Wow... The Hen sings sounds interesting.....
libertad - 06/03/13 17:51
This is an egg laying hen that Mike's mom gave to him for easter. She sings and lays plastic eggs and is so much fun.
This is an egg laying hen that Mike's mom gave to him for easter. She sings and lays plastic eggs and is so much fun.
metalpeter - 05/31/13 16:49
What is that ? The cool ranch sure those things are great.....
What is that ? The cool ranch sure those things are great.....
05/28/2013 20:39 #57723
ugh, what is it?Category:
I'm not sure what these red itchy bumps are from but it is freaking me out. The second pic has the itchiest spot but the redness next to it is from a scratch. I think I need to get it checked out.
libertad - 05/29/13 15:18
Hard to say cause I was assuming it was bug bites but this is the first time I had it and they say it takes longer for symptoms to appear if you never had it before. I feel very sure it is poison ivy at this point and not going to md causeit is mild and should go away on its own.
Hard to say cause I was assuming it was bug bites but this is the first time I had it and they say it takes longer for symptoms to appear if you never had it before. I feel very sure it is poison ivy at this point and not going to md causeit is mild and should go away on its own.
paul - 05/28/13 23:11
That seems to long ago. Maybe not though. When did it show up?
That seems to long ago. Maybe not though. When did it show up?
libertad - 05/28/13 22:00
Do you think I can see a regular doctor?
Do you think I can see a regular doctor?
libertad - 05/28/13 21:58
I can't believe I got it. I know it happened at Zoar when we walked through it. I just really thought the water at the force it was passing through our legs would have been enough to wash it off. Do I need to wash my water shoes in something particular?
I can't believe I got it. I know it happened at Zoar when we walked through it. I just really thought the water at the force it was passing through our legs would have been enough to wash it off. Do I need to wash my water shoes in something particular?
paul - 05/28/13 21:02
That looks very much like poison ivy. Go to a dermotologist.
That looks very much like poison ivy. Go to a dermotologist.
I'll look for it next time I am out because it still itches believe it or not. If it's expensive i'll probably just live with it cause I'm getting better. Thanks for sharing the remedy. If I had known how long this would last for I definitely would have purchased something right away.
Hi! I have just gotten rid of the same thing! Here is the remedy: Rhus Tox. It is homeopathic poision ivy. They sell homeopathics at Lexington co-op and at Wegman's. Try to get the strongest one you can find (i.e. 30C rather than 12X). Take according to homeopathic guidelines when possible. It will clear up in 2-3 days, probably. You look pretty bad!