Clean Air Coalition Dinner At Pearl Street Category:
It was exciting to be part of the celebration of the clean air coalition's success. It didn't hurt that the food was amazing.
Robert - 05/11/13 15:36 (e:heidi) you told me the other night about it, but i kept looking through the pamphlet and could not find it... i don't know if you saw me looking through again, and again, haha i am so blind...
heidi - 05/10/13 09:58 :-) our upcoming pride guide ad is even cuter, (e:yesthatcasey). Thanks, (e:) Robert! We were a little extra glowy and romantic last night, and I hadn't expected her to be able to go with me at all. The boys looked really adorable also. It was a fun double date.
Robert - 05/10/13 03:19 (e:heidi)(e:diane) you both look amazing. Congratulations to the clean air coalition on this victory!
YesThatCasey - 05/09/13 22:43 Love the use of the sponsorship space!
05/09/2013 20:02 #57637
Construction at Main and High st Buffalo Location Category:
What the heck are they extracting out of that ciminelli site at Main and High street? Its like there is some crazy gel they are vacuuming out. That place smells so bad.
I also don't understand why the fire hydrant has been open for three straight weeks either. Maybe its a clue to the puzzle.
metalpeter - 05/11/13 17:11 I have no idea other then maybe that is where (e:tinypliny) hid the bodies :) .... Seriously though I don't know what was there before but that one truck kinda looks like the grease recycling trucks or a sewage one... It would make sense though ? to leave the hydrant open so that if they hit that pipe and pressure goes right out and doesn't like build up and bust something like the hydrant shooting into the air or the pipe that supplies it if it supplies water to other things.... Again just a guess... Wonder if someone would tell you or like if you and mike had a bet going or if it is hush hush if some place had toxic or value chemicals soak into the ground......
05/09/2013 00:59 #57636
New Building at Main and High st Category:
Whatever kind of brownfield was at this space smells so sick like gasoline and chemicals. The smell seems so bad at night time. I hope I never have to work there but I can't imagine the land could ever be really cleaned. Will whatever is in there really not leak into the foundation. They have had suction trucks and tanks going for weeks. I really can't figure out what they are doing right now. Some sort of foamy water is being sprayed everywhere.
metalpeter - 05/11/13 17:14 There was a place more down a block that sold food call High Spot that could have a lot of grease but from what your saying maybe a bad gas line now I want to go check it out.......
05/05/2013 22:52 #57628
Cinco de Mayo Category:
Another ethnic holiday for the weekend, we went out to the new mexican restaurant on allen,where K Gallaghers used to be, for Cinco de Maya dinner. The food was pretty good yummy and I am way stuffed. I would go back.
05/05/2013 19:43 #57627
Beltane at Brushwood 2013 Category:
We headed down to brushwood for Beltane
The gaelic holiday welcomes the beginning of summer. I was reading that they used to extinguish the fires in the village and then relight them all from the beltane bon fires.
The weather was amazing, I had such a good time. I even had a good time throwing a football for what I think may have been the first time in my life.
Robert - 05/06/13 21:22 how beautiful it is there. I can't wait to see it for myself sometime.
(e:heidi) you told me the other night about it, but i kept looking through the pamphlet and could not find it... i don't know if you saw me looking through again, and again, haha i am so blind...
:-) our upcoming pride guide ad is even cuter, (e:yesthatcasey). Thanks, (e:) Robert! We were a little extra glowy and romantic last night, and I hadn't expected her to be able to go with me at all. The boys looked really adorable also. It was a fun double date.
(e:heidi) (e:diane) you both look amazing. Congratulations to the clean air coalition on this victory!
Love the use of the sponsorship space!