Repairs At The Metro Rail Station on Allen and Main Category:
I hope they don't use these same repair techniques for the trains themselves.
Robert - 02/28/13 21:52 Yeah, that's what I thought... this doesn't make sense to spend money on.
libertad - 02/28/13 20:22 Aren't they supposed to tear the whole thing down and build it up so ub can be above the station?
02/27/2013 00:44 #57294
Maybe a Sicky Category:
My throat hurts so I made myself chicken soup and nyquilled. Sometimes I look forward to being sick for the nyquil but this time I really don't want to be sick as I have lots of work to do tommorow. Hopefully I am wrong and it just goes away.
02/26/2013 17:44 #57291
Colorful Breakfast Category:
I can't stop eating pink and purple.
02/25/2013 16:02 #57289
I am not a robot Category: life
Contrary to popular belief I am not a robot who can just turn off my feelings. I am going to focus on working on the house.
metalpeter - 02/27/13 21:10 Not sure what this is about but hope the working on the house goes great and the wolf photo is cool...............
hodown - 02/25/13 18:35 You're the closest thing to a robot I know. You have grown way more emotional in your old age though.
02/25/2013 15:55 #57288
Dinner With The Ho Family Category: food
We went out to Curly's with Josh and his ladies ;) The was really good. I wanted to get some more pics but the lighting was so dark. The picture of vanessa and the baby was so dark you couldn't see anything ;(
Yeah, that's what I thought... this doesn't make sense to spend money on.
Aren't they supposed to tear the whole thing down and build it up so ub can be above the station?