I had to use a sandal as a makeshift security device the other day to see if anyone was entering the house. so simple yet I believe totally effective.
12/21/2012 13:34 #57023
I'm pretty sure I no longer even want to be casually acquainted with shady people anymore and am annoyed by their even minimal Stop being shady shadesters!
12/19/2012 00:21 #57017
the cemetery June 2011 Category:
for (e:libertad) birthday we went with his mom on a walking tour of forest lawn. it was neat but a little too long for me I thought. they have people dressed up as famous dead people buried there and as we were walking up to the first one libertad thought it was a real mourning woman and couldn't believe our tour director was interrupting her Haha
12/19/2012 00:13 #57016
allentown art festival 2011 Category:
(e:libertad)'s mom was visiting and she loves art festivals.