02/12/2010 13:22 #51003
Obsession With Healthy Food A Disorder?Category: potpourri
I think if you shun anything but raw cauliflower and broccoli, yeah there probably is something wrong with you. I promise you don't have to worry about me having this disorder. I'm going to drink and smoke and eat fried food, because life is shit if you restrict yourself to cardboard.
02/02/2010 15:46 #50954
What?? Is This A Trend??Category: potpourri
I asked a friend about La Tee Da this past Sunday because I wanted to go there sometime solo to scope it out. Anyway, he says to me "Yeah Jay they have a picture of Obama on the wall. Can you believe it?"
WTFBomb? Imagine me staring straight ahead, blinking rapidly.
I suppose I just don't get it. This seems to be a movement and it's getting creepier by the second. I wonder how many other establishments in Buffalo have succumbed to this unfortunate trend? Normally this would be when I use really salty, pointed language to describe how I'm feeling but you're lucky. I'm turning over a new leaf.
So, no it won't stop me from eating there. I still want to try it as I hear the food is really good. But I can't promise my mouth will behave when it's done. And I'd rather take someone someplace non-political.
02/01/2010 14:44 #50950
I Love PlanningCategory: potpourri
Is it too late to change my mind?
01/29/2010 20:29 #50936
I Hate PlanningCategory: potpourri
Almost nothing frays my nerves more than planning out somewhere to take someone, especially if you don't know the city.
Am I picking a cool enough venue?
What if it's in the wrong neighborhood?
What if a similar place is better?
What if I fall flat on my face?
I've got a million tabs open in Firefox. I'm wearing myself out second guessing myself. Thoughts like this wear you down more and more until you feel......nothing. Because I care a lot and a guy's got only so much feeling in him. And I know I'm trying my best so I have nothing to be ashamed of.
So, here is the address. Put it in your GPS, meet me there, and I'll be waiting for you.
01/28/2010 10:49 #50919
Didn't Watch the SOTU AddressCategory: potpourri
I was too tied up on the phone to pay attention anyway. From what I've read, it was the same ol' in different packaging. Anyway I already know the state of the union, we're fucked. Big Time.