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01/31/2009 15:35 #47583

Thunder Slam 09
Category: photos
I wasn't sure if I should put this post under photos or sports and so that got me to ask a question. Would there be a way in the New Version of (e:strip) that I keep hearing is coming out soon to have multiple categories for blogs? For example if someone goes on a Vacation and takes pictures it could be travel, photos and then maybe some other one like Family if they visited family, just an idea.

So for you fans of Monster Trucks you can still go tonight, the trucks are there for two nights and they race and do freestyle and then they have some smaller trucks race and some freestyle motocross. I Had A good time. I'm not good enough to get great pictures of the trucks in action they come out blurry or dark it seems so I may not post any of those. Before the event they have a Pit Party and those are the pictures below.

But first some Pictures of Downtown Buffalo Before the show













Ok now onto the monster trucks



















































Hope these pictures were or are Ok. I know I had a fun time on this superbowl weekend doing something that had nothing to do with football and I hope everyone who goes to the show tonight enjoys them selves and there are no one gets killed.
rory - 02/03/09 04:32
I'm not sure I would ever class weed as a 'performance enhancer'. Unless you were a professional pie-eater or something. Frankly, if you can smoke a J and then win any race involving limb coordination you deserve an extra medal.

I vaguely remember Bill Hicks doing some routine along those lines back in the day.

Like the photos from the monster truck show though - that looked like a LOT of fun!

01/28/2009 19:14 #47549

Buffalo and Snow TV
Category: peterazzi
There is this interesting show I watch on Tuesdays on ABC called Homeland Security. It is really about Boarder patrol. I like it and they catch people sneaking things into the country it is pretty interesting sometimes. Well last Night Buffalo was part of the show. They showed the peace bridge and there was someone from Virgina Beach who was a missing persons who wanted to go to Canada and they wouldn't let them in because of that. They also showed the boarder guys at a Benefit for one of there co workers who has LCS I think it is. That wasn't the only part of the show but I enjoyed it. Today on my way into work I saw a car on top of a snow bank. Yes the entire car was on top of it near the entrance to a parking lot where Subway is. I have no idea how it got there, it almost looked like someone placed it there, wish I had my camera with me. At work the snow out side looked so pretty but it didn't feel that way on the way home or when I shoveled it. Friday night I'm going to see The Monster Trucks and hopefully assuming that I don't get killed at the show I will post some pictures on Saturday. Then Sunday is the Big Day the super bowl. Even if there where no teams I liked in it I would still watch it and all the pregame stuff, it is such and event more then a game now for lots of people. I was reading in the Buffalo news (sorry no link) about some Sobe Life water (Owned by Pepsi) ad that sounds pretty good. Yes some of the pregame stuff is over done but some of it is pretty interesting some times. Plus sometimes they have bands before the game and all kinds of stuff we shall see what happens on Sunday.

01/29/2009 19:10 #47564

25 Things?????
Category: poll
Well there are many polls on Myspace and I assume face book also that I often don't do and some of them are questions. So I can't believe I'm doing this what Have I got myself into and will I even be able to come up with that many?

1. I hate the idea of taking a shower:But once in it I like it as long as possible as long as it is very Hot (no 10 min shower for me, yes I have been burned)

2. I love eating it is more about the pleasure of it then being hungry most of the time

3. I hate taking a dumb oh gross. Sometimes I wish they made a pill that had no waste and gave you all your calories and tasted like food that would be awesome

4. From my blog you would never know it but I'm shy or some form of something like that

5. I graduated from Canisius but still suck at spelling

6. In high school I played 3 sports Track, swimming and Cross Country

7. I love art and have it all over my walls but I'm messy and lazy so the floors and every place else is a mess

8. Strip clubs are awesome even though I never go

9. I think I might like porno more then I like real sex but not sure about that one

10. I have never really understood what it means to miss someone if you have them in your thoughts then how are they missed?

Um I have to make it past 10 this isn't going so good

11. I'm bi-costal (born in CA and live in NY)

12. I like art and have even pictured how to draw something in my mind but it all ways comes out looking like crap since I have no art skills

13. Can't cut a straight line with a scissors

14. I have liked multiple teams in every sport I like Except Lacrosse

15. I am happy with my body, but wish I was taller and wider and that every part of me was propotionatly the same

16. Not good at the dress up thing I need to be comfortable and love Hoodiies

17. I like to keep warm on heater vents (yes have been slightly burned but not to point of pain or any damage)

18. I think people should have a moral code and live by it, or at least try there best to follow them

19. When I first joined (e:strip) I didn't think it was a blogging site I thought it was like a site where all the elmwood stores where connected in some way that is what the name implied

20. I like blogging and am not sure why. Some blogs of mine are on multiple pages but I have no idea if anyone reads them on those other pages

ok so now it gets tough it is like when you climb a mountain from what I have heard that you can see the top and it is close and you can't move or really breath so you just sit there. But I will finish and if I get a spurt of thoughts maybe add some more.

21. I love Tattoos and would love to get one, but I don't think that is the kind of pain I could take plus needles kinda scare me a bit.....

22. My user name is Metalpeter and it is on any site where I can use it and the term has many different meanings. When I was first online I thought maybe about using something else since using something that has a sexual meaning as one of the meanings might not be the best. But then someone I talked on line with liked Peter Steele from Type O Negative so I kept it.

23. I don't know if they are still up but there are more revealing shots then my costume on line from a long time ago, and some private ones someplace else, but I'm not saying where.

24. I like Action movies and shows. But what I like more is to people's stories and I think that is why I like TV so much and like all kinds of different shows and reality TV and even things like the Tattoo shows. For people who read I think the thing about the stories is also true just the media is different.

Oh boy 25 is tough what do I say and is there any bonuses I can add?

25. As anyone who has seen my blog can tell I like to take pictures for fun but don't know what photo documenting is called when you use a digital camera and aren't a pro.

I have no idea what else to write or if I even did this right or said the things I was supposed to. Have a great weekend everyone and for you sports fans hope you enjoy the Super Bowl, oh wait they might sue me so the bowl that is super. Yes that brand name is pretty costly so hope everyone has a great time and hope to see some of you at (e:drew)'s party.

01/24/2009 11:23 #47507

Super Sports Weekend
Category: sports
I have to admit I'm falling off a little bit. I don't think I'm the only one though. I'm a Football fan and so with the playoffs and the Super Bowl I think a lot of people think this is a no sports weekend. They would be very wrong. On Thursday I watched Bones for two hours and some of LA Ink and Burn Notice started up. But what I forgot and found out last night was that this week of no NFL playoffs is when they have the Winter X-games . I tried to watch them last night but was just to worn out to make it. By Friday with what I think are long days I get pretty worn out. But I did catch the end of an hour repeated this morning it was Snow Mobile best trick. Levi LaValle attempted a Double Back flip it was Amazing he did land it but didn't ride away so he gets no points it was still fun to watch, he didn't try the trick again he said he wasn't able to try it again but still amazing. To see when more sports are on . Today they are on from like 3-6PM and then more sports are on tonight and then some on Sunday.

But see that isn't where the sports end. It is also NHL all star weekend . The all star game is Sunday at around 6 Pm I would like to see some of that even though from what I have heard "Sid The Kid" is hurt and won't play. Tonight at 7pm on VS. is the superskills contest. I'm not sure what the NHL network is going to show if you have that, it might be something to look into.

I'm sure there are other sports going on but I only cover the ones that I know about and yet there is one more thing going on The Bandits play away tonight. I Haven't looked into watching it live and was going to try it tonight but with the other sports I think I will try and find out what happens tonight through the news. I'm sure there are people who like to know about other Lacrosse teams or like teams other then the Bandits so for everything NLL . That just about covers everything I can think of. So hopefully some people now know that the week off during Football there are lots of great sports to watch and remember that next year also. Oh yeah that is right I forgot next year The Pro Bowl will be before the super bowl and not on the Island. I get that they are trying to make the game mean something and not just be a fun trip. But the problem is that no one who is Playing in the super bowl will want to play in it. If you are in the playoffs and your team loses do you really want to travel someplace. Not to mention where would you have and would in be a distraction if the field is being used by a team in the playoffs or super bowl?

01/22/2009 18:37 #47493 2
Category: internet
So for some of you who read (e:drew) page he has this great looking picture of him self it is from a website called . I will admit that it can be a little bit addicting and sometimes you can have a picture look perfect and then you mess it up playing with colors to much. I haven't tried to do any pictures of multiple people yet but maybe in the future I will here is what I have done so far. I don't think I can get mine to look as cool as some peoples on that site there are some amazing ones and I include (e:drew)'s in that.









metalpeter - 01/24/09 10:42
I agree with you about #5 that is very true.
jenks - 01/24/09 09:21
  1. 5 is very Jesus.
metalpeter - 01/23/09 19:07
You are right about Looking like Zappa I would never have noticed that though.
zobar - 01/22/09 19:37
I think the third one and the second-last one turned out best. The last one totally makes you look like Frank Zappa.

- Z