Even though you aren't supposed to take pictures here are a few from the show. I have way to many to post them all so I'll guess at what ones look the best from the small size.

In terms of my favorite song that is a tough question that song that is in Italian I think that is real dramatic you here a lot of places is up there then there is that killer version of Flight of the bubble bee. I would suggest going it is worth the money if that is your kind of music. Well Sunday I assuming I wake up on time it is off to the Bandits open practice.
Wow - this looks fantastic. I'm jealous.
looks awesome. Wish I was there. I love them.
Yeah it was fun thanks. I like the Raphlie user picture. On a side note it is to bad that, that Christmas story play they did in Buffalo a couple or maybe a few years ago didn't catch anyone attention out and say live on in like NYC or someplace else. Next time I take pictures I'm going to post I need to remember to make them one size smaller they upload better and I can upload more at a time, I shall remember that for the sabres games I'm going to coming up and new years fun. I'm working the eve so x-mas eve also so could be interesting (i think need to double check that).
Looks like fun