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03/20/2008 15:08 #43737

New mouse fer work...
Category: work
Last night I wandered into Circuit City and made an impulse purchase (so fun). I figured, why not... time to get a new furry creature for my desk at work.

Logitech MX Revolution


It works on both XP machines and Macs. I like it a lot so far. =)

I think impulse purchases are good for the soul if done in moderation.

03/10/2008 17:49 #43606

Eathquake Buffalo?
Category: buffalo
Apparently according to Buffalo Channel 4 News, there was an earthquake in Buffalo at 7:00 AM. Anyone feel it? I was sound asleep.

03/10/2008 12:25 #43602

Time for a new hobby...
Category: astronomy
Between family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc... none of them are remotely interested in Astronomy. =P to all of you. I'm excited.

I ordered a couple books and a telescope over the weekend. All of which all should be arriving tomorrow at my house sometime mid day.


It is a simple telescope, not much too it. Can't wait. Now, all I need is some cooperative weather. =)

I figure if I really get into it, I'll upgrade.

02/26/2008 15:48 #43471

Future Governor of Wisconsin
Category: politics
Rev. Dr. Aneb Jah Rasta Sensas-Utcha Nefer- 1 Ph.D

So... I'm at work, doing my thing, and I see that I have another random spam email...

"Contact Authorhouse Publishing regarding my books.

I am Rev. Dr. Aneb Jah Rasta Sensas-Utcha Nefer- 1 Ph.D (aka Rev. Dr. Billy Jo Perry - 1 Ph.D.) I am the founder of Tejauma Na Nia Corp. It is located @ 620.5 South Memorial Dr. in Appleton, Wisconson 54911. The telephone nuber is 920-364-9254. I have taught that Cancer is a universal illness that man has cause and brought amongst itself for years.

- Rev. Dr. Aneb Jah Rasta Sensas-Utcha Nefer- 1 Ph.D"

At first, I thought... yep, just another spam email. Then I read the line about cancer. And I thought, what a freak. So I entered his name into Google and of course the top link returned is this...

Total nutjob... and it made my day. Incredibly funny to read. I couldn't even make this stuff up if I wanted to.

Apparently he ran for Governor of Wisconsin in 2002 and was actually on the real ballot state wide. He came in dead last and received 900+ votes.

And he also has a 600+ page book for sale on Amazon Living Organism. I'm tempted to buy it for the laugh.

02/12/2008 09:52 #43290 response to Enknot
Category: lan party

Here we have Tony enjoying a Star Wars video game... well, maybe not actually enjoying it too much.