So we won that "play-in" game last night. I was just happy that the ended up winning, I just don't know how I would have reacted if they would have lost to a sleep deprived team. For the most part I'm guessing most of Western New York watched that Sabres game. Although I did contemplate going out for the game last nigth I just was supersitious. There is a new sports bar open across the street here in the Crown Plaza and from what I heard it's pretty nice and they would have had specials last night since it was during a Sabres game. Then I realized that back when my friend worked there and I would hang @ the bar NU would always lose. So I decided to just stay home and watch it on TV.
Now I am just like a kid in a Candy store for the real tournament. I ust can't wait to get up in the morning and head down to the HSBC for the Noon tip off. This is just going to be a days of fun strung together.
Now if NU can only do the improbable and be the first 16 seed to beat a #1 seed...
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/14/2007 10:28 #38453
We're in the "Real" TournamentCategory: ncaa's
03/12/2007 18:09 #38433
Getting a little disrespectCategory: ncaa's
So I guess my gut feeling last week was right on about this time around not feeling as good as the last time. Niagara was totally disrecpected by being placed in the "Play-In" game tomorrow night in Dayton. I loved the reaction on Jim Rome this afternoon when he was paraphrasing NU, "I thought we got into the Tournament!" Yea, if I had a bookie I think I'd lay the -9 points and cash. They're quite pissed and I do feel sorry for Florida A&M, they're going to get crushed. Then likewise on Friday we're going to get crushed by Kansas in Chicago. I really do like Jerry Sullivan's analysis on the whole thing in his article today. Although all of this happened I think it may have made my year to actually hear Jim Rome 1. Talk about NU on his radio show and Rome is Burning on Espn and 2. To actually agree with the school that they got hosed.
I'll be watching that game tommorrow instead of the Sabres game for sure. I'm just really interested in what the ESPN crew is going to say in regards to the whole seeding fiasco.
On another front I'm feeling like uncut and writing a few blogs in my head that for some reason I just can't find time to punch out on a keyboard. I'm on break right now @ work. The only way I can justify working this much overtime this week is 1. I am going to spend quite a bit of cash this week during NCAA week 2. It's spring break so no class 3. After the week long tournament events it's quite dead.
So back to this whole blog in draft mode concept that has been on my mind. It can be basically summed up is I'm trying to find a common reason on why people on (e:strip) have really shitty luck in love. With such a diverse group of people pinning it to a single reason is a challenge. Not to be slip into the ether of visions of equations of life being revealed in a dream, but it's a really nasty linear regression problem in a way. What common variable can be blamed for all of us being in the same similar collective lonely boat?
I'll be watching that game tommorrow instead of the Sabres game for sure. I'm just really interested in what the ESPN crew is going to say in regards to the whole seeding fiasco.
On another front I'm feeling like uncut and writing a few blogs in my head that for some reason I just can't find time to punch out on a keyboard. I'm on break right now @ work. The only way I can justify working this much overtime this week is 1. I am going to spend quite a bit of cash this week during NCAA week 2. It's spring break so no class 3. After the week long tournament events it's quite dead.
So back to this whole blog in draft mode concept that has been on my mind. It can be basically summed up is I'm trying to find a common reason on why people on (e:strip) have really shitty luck in love. With such a diverse group of people pinning it to a single reason is a challenge. Not to be slip into the ether of visions of equations of life being revealed in a dream, but it's a really nasty linear regression problem in a way. What common variable can be blamed for all of us being in the same similar collective lonely boat?
metalpeter - 03/12/07 19:40
My belief on the NCAA's is that the team who has to play another team to get in should never be the winner of the tournament from there Conferance. The two teams should always be some team who is voted in. Basicly it is saying that every team in the tourney is better then every MAAC team. I don't know how good any of the other teams are, but I bet if any other team would have won The MAAC tournament they wouldn't have to play another game to get in.
I do have an unlucky in love theory and it is only a theory. I don't think there is a common cause of it for (e:strip). I think that for a lot of us (e:strip)ers us being that way is why we post. I'll use myself as an example. If I had some hot tall tan skined Eva Longoria lookalike (or even Jessica Alba, or Jenifer Biel) whos eyes I loved to stair into then posting might be the last thing on my mind. There is a great chance that i might not have time to post also. If I did have time to post I wouldn't grip to much cause I would have a great listener at home. Again it is just a theory.
My belief on the NCAA's is that the team who has to play another team to get in should never be the winner of the tournament from there Conferance. The two teams should always be some team who is voted in. Basicly it is saying that every team in the tourney is better then every MAAC team. I don't know how good any of the other teams are, but I bet if any other team would have won The MAAC tournament they wouldn't have to play another game to get in.
I do have an unlucky in love theory and it is only a theory. I don't think there is a common cause of it for (e:strip). I think that for a lot of us (e:strip)ers us being that way is why we post. I'll use myself as an example. If I had some hot tall tan skined Eva Longoria lookalike (or even Jessica Alba, or Jenifer Biel) whos eyes I loved to stair into then posting might be the last thing on my mind. There is a great chance that i might not have time to post also. If I did have time to post I wouldn't grip to much cause I would have a great listener at home. Again it is just a theory.
mrmike - 03/12/07 18:40
Interesting question that last one -- It's just damn difficult to connect. We all have lots going and that can cramp style. We collectively seem to yearn for mr./ms. right as opposed to mr/ms. right now. That is a tough get under the best of circumstances.
Interesting question that last one -- It's just damn difficult to connect. We all have lots going and that can cramp style. We collectively seem to yearn for mr./ms. right as opposed to mr/ms. right now. That is a tough get under the best of circumstances.
03/05/2007 21:38 #38370
NCAA's MAAC Championship GameCategory: march madness
Hard to believe that 2 years ago I was down @ the HSBC arena watching my Niagara U. Purple Eagles clinch their first NCAA appearance in 35 years. An event that I would never thought that I would have witnessed in my lifetime. The best part of it was I saw it live and in person. I guess the only sporting analogy would have been being a Ranger fan in '94 or a Red Sox fan in '04.
SO here I am on campus watching it with a bunch of other much younger students. Yea I'm pretty much gramps at this point but just being here to watch it almost feels like a duty. I remember the program when it was a doormat, I also remember the first time when I watched them play a NCAA Conference Championship Game back in '93 and getting screwed with a team that may hve won a game in the first round. It's just that I just don't have a good feeling with them being on the road. Pretty much 2/3rds of Siena is in Bridgeport, then agin they say it's only a 2 hour bus trip.
Then I'm thinking about this concept: "Has the sucess over the past 8-9 years spoiled the loyal fans or at least ME? What would I do if something happened and we were back to winning single digit games again? This year I really was a bit lathergic in my support. I guess being a bit removed from the whole student dynamic makes a bit of a difference. I shold be in the reserved seats as a season ticket holder, and not with the student section.
I remember 2 years ago when I caught the NCAA tournament game against Oklahoma. I watched it at the Sarasota Brewing Co. a place that had Directv and plenty of beer. I spent the whole day and the best part was I remember sitting at the bar and this guy came into the place. The bartender asked if he wanted to see any particular game and he said, "Yes, it's on right here" the game I was watching. He was a high school teamate of Brooks a senior starter. It was quite an interesting 2 hours as I was updating my buddy down in Virginia while he was teaching a class. They should have won that game, but that's another story...
Meanwhile Ch 7 is here with a camera. Julie Fine is here and she just doesn't look anything like I would have imagined her to be in person. He's about 5' in heels and wearing jeans and a sweater and blends in like one of the students.
EDIT: It was much sweeter this time with the "down to the wire" drama!!!!!
SO here I am on campus watching it with a bunch of other much younger students. Yea I'm pretty much gramps at this point but just being here to watch it almost feels like a duty. I remember the program when it was a doormat, I also remember the first time when I watched them play a NCAA Conference Championship Game back in '93 and getting screwed with a team that may hve won a game in the first round. It's just that I just don't have a good feeling with them being on the road. Pretty much 2/3rds of Siena is in Bridgeport, then agin they say it's only a 2 hour bus trip.
Then I'm thinking about this concept: "Has the sucess over the past 8-9 years spoiled the loyal fans or at least ME? What would I do if something happened and we were back to winning single digit games again? This year I really was a bit lathergic in my support. I guess being a bit removed from the whole student dynamic makes a bit of a difference. I shold be in the reserved seats as a season ticket holder, and not with the student section.
I remember 2 years ago when I caught the NCAA tournament game against Oklahoma. I watched it at the Sarasota Brewing Co. a place that had Directv and plenty of beer. I spent the whole day and the best part was I remember sitting at the bar and this guy came into the place. The bartender asked if he wanted to see any particular game and he said, "Yes, it's on right here" the game I was watching. He was a high school teamate of Brooks a senior starter. It was quite an interesting 2 hours as I was updating my buddy down in Virginia while he was teaching a class. They should have won that game, but that's another story...
Meanwhile Ch 7 is here with a camera. Julie Fine is here and she just doesn't look anything like I would have imagined her to be in person. He's about 5' in heels and wearing jeans and a sweater and blends in like one of the students.
EDIT: It was much sweeter this time with the "down to the wire" drama!!!!!
03/05/2007 20:45 #38369
BritneyCategory: celebrity gossip
Why hasn't this
been reported in this country?
Just when I thought my life was sloping on a downturn I read that bit of news. I'd hate to say it but it did make me chuckle when I was heading to class when I heard the guys on 102.1 the edge talking about the story.
Here's the original story
Is it a waste of time and energy to spend on her? I'd say yes, but the "Dark" side of it is pretty attention grabbing. Did you make a deal with him to get where you did???
Again back to the point of this story not getting any press in the USA. When they stop talking about you Brit, the gig is up and you're spent.
Then again it's funny since this is how I'd imagine how you'd grow up to be. I just never thought that you had it in you for the other stuff.

Just when I thought my life was sloping on a downturn I read that bit of news. I'd hate to say it but it did make me chuckle when I was heading to class when I heard the guys on 102.1 the edge talking about the story.
Here's the original story

Is it a waste of time and energy to spend on her? I'd say yes, but the "Dark" side of it is pretty attention grabbing. Did you make a deal with him to get where you did???
Again back to the point of this story not getting any press in the USA. When they stop talking about you Brit, the gig is up and you're spent.
Then again it's funny since this is how I'd imagine how you'd grow up to be. I just never thought that you had it in you for the other stuff.
metalpeter - 03/06/07 18:27
Well from what I just read I can tell ya why the news here didn't report it or at least guess why. Rehab is techniquely considered confidental. If I checked into a drug and alcohol treatment center and someone was looking for me they legaly couldn't say I was or wasn't there. I don't know if everystate is the way NYS is but, I think when you report something that happens in rehab that is way over the line even for celebs.
Well from what I just read I can tell ya why the news here didn't report it or at least guess why. Rehab is techniquely considered confidental. If I checked into a drug and alcohol treatment center and someone was looking for me they legaly couldn't say I was or wasn't there. I don't know if everystate is the way NYS is but, I think when you report something that happens in rehab that is way over the line even for celebs.
03/03/2007 16:01 #38346
Where's my Mojo?Category: sex
This may be a little TMI...
Then again you're still reading. I just realized that I went the entire month of Febuary without having any. It's not like I didn't have the opportunity it is just I was like "Ah, I'm going to stay home and study" type of thing. This is pretty scary. It's not normal or right. I'm only young once and I'm just wasting it being a "Blah" bump on the log. How am I gong to be when I'm really older? Will I even bother?
Maybe it's just that I won't want to be "married" at the moment in a realtionship but then again what I'm totally lacking and I admit it is the even basic iota of effort on my part. I've always seemed to fall on the side of introvert on the spectrum but lately this has just been ridiculous. I could just blame the weather and the avoidance of the bad driving conditions but again this is just not right. I need to do something.
It could be that my schedule @ work is going to get messed around and I may have to go in on some weekend hours. Yea, take my downtime on weekends for granted when you have them and agonize in pain when they're goine. Not a good philisophy in life I can say...
At this point I'm just worried about my lack of "drive." I hope it's not a sign of something else, i.e. depression. What to do? Go to Canada and Lundy's Lane and jump start some physical desire?
Because I'm not saying in this post that I need to get some. What I'm saying is I need to get the WANT to get some...for some reason for the past month I've been toally uninterested and that need to change soon.
Then again you're still reading. I just realized that I went the entire month of Febuary without having any. It's not like I didn't have the opportunity it is just I was like "Ah, I'm going to stay home and study" type of thing. This is pretty scary. It's not normal or right. I'm only young once and I'm just wasting it being a "Blah" bump on the log. How am I gong to be when I'm really older? Will I even bother?
Maybe it's just that I won't want to be "married" at the moment in a realtionship but then again what I'm totally lacking and I admit it is the even basic iota of effort on my part. I've always seemed to fall on the side of introvert on the spectrum but lately this has just been ridiculous. I could just blame the weather and the avoidance of the bad driving conditions but again this is just not right. I need to do something.
It could be that my schedule @ work is going to get messed around and I may have to go in on some weekend hours. Yea, take my downtime on weekends for granted when you have them and agonize in pain when they're goine. Not a good philisophy in life I can say...
At this point I'm just worried about my lack of "drive." I hope it's not a sign of something else, i.e. depression. What to do? Go to Canada and Lundy's Lane and jump start some physical desire?
Because I'm not saying in this post that I need to get some. What I'm saying is I need to get the WANT to get some...for some reason for the past month I've been toally uninterested and that need to change soon.
metalpeter - 03/04/07 10:44
Well I'll play match maker and say that you two need to meet, now where is my $19.95? Kinda joking around but in all seriousness for you two it might not be a bad Idea. I do think that guys do think about sex a lot, or atleast i do. But just because that is the case dosn't mean we (or maybe just me)allways need it. Like (e:ingrid) said there is porn and often as sad as it is to say that often can really do a good job. Ok so that may not be sad, but sometimes watching the porn is better (for girls also)cause the person watching knows what they want and there isn't any of that trying to please the other person. Back in the old days they used to say to keep people busy to keep their mind off of sex. The funny thing is that does kinda work. When you are verry busy you don't have time to think about it. Dosn't mean that you still don't get horny but you have no time to notice it. And even if you did you are tired so you wouldn't have the energy to do it, nor could you find the time. Even if you could you wouldn't have the time to pursue it. I also belive that with spring coming up shortly the weather getting warmer that is a factor also.
Well I'll play match maker and say that you two need to meet, now where is my $19.95? Kinda joking around but in all seriousness for you two it might not be a bad Idea. I do think that guys do think about sex a lot, or atleast i do. But just because that is the case dosn't mean we (or maybe just me)allways need it. Like (e:ingrid) said there is porn and often as sad as it is to say that often can really do a good job. Ok so that may not be sad, but sometimes watching the porn is better (for girls also)cause the person watching knows what they want and there isn't any of that trying to please the other person. Back in the old days they used to say to keep people busy to keep their mind off of sex. The funny thing is that does kinda work. When you are verry busy you don't have time to think about it. Dosn't mean that you still don't get horny but you have no time to notice it. And even if you did you are tired so you wouldn't have the energy to do it, nor could you find the time. Even if you could you wouldn't have the time to pursue it. I also belive that with spring coming up shortly the weather getting warmer that is a factor also.
ingrid - 03/03/07 22:03
uhm. watch porn. just kidding. sex is fun and i always thought that men had that on their mind 24/7....i thought that you were going to get some for Valentine's day....i don't know how you can get your Mojo back..I have the complete opposite problem...I have too much mojo right now and no one to share it with..fuck! my friend's say that I'm "in heat" and looking for fun..and my response to that is.."well, I'm fucking sorry but I like to have sex and I fucking enjoy it and I'm fucking sorry that I have a fucking sex drive:....Ok,. that's a lot of F bombs but i'm pretty F*cking upset right now w/ all of my friends for 1. not having a sex drive and 2. not wanting to go out and be 23 fucking years old!
uhm. watch porn. just kidding. sex is fun and i always thought that men had that on their mind 24/7....i thought that you were going to get some for Valentine's day....i don't know how you can get your Mojo back..I have the complete opposite problem...I have too much mojo right now and no one to share it with..fuck! my friend's say that I'm "in heat" and looking for fun..and my response to that is.."well, I'm fucking sorry but I like to have sex and I fucking enjoy it and I'm fucking sorry that I have a fucking sex drive:....Ok,. that's a lot of F bombs but i'm pretty F*cking upset right now w/ all of my friends for 1. not having a sex drive and 2. not wanting to go out and be 23 fucking years old!
carolinian - 03/03/07 20:10
I don't really know your entire situation, but the psychiatrists son that I am I'd like to interject that sometimes people get some as a way of dealing with depression, and when they're feeling less depressed, they feel less need to get some. I heard somewhere that prozac and other anti-depressants may lessen sexual desire because they can lessen the feelings that make people have sex for reaons other than just having sex.
In other words, maybe you like how your life is going and you feel less depressed and therefore have less desire to get some to deal with depression.
I don't really know your entire situation, but the psychiatrists son that I am I'd like to interject that sometimes people get some as a way of dealing with depression, and when they're feeling less depressed, they feel less need to get some. I heard somewhere that prozac and other anti-depressants may lessen sexual desire because they can lessen the feelings that make people have sex for reaons other than just having sex.
In other words, maybe you like how your life is going and you feel less depressed and therefore have less desire to get some to deal with depression.
Hope you have a great time I'm sure you will. Watching the tournament can be a lot of fun. I will admit I don't watch College Hoops during the year but I allways try to catch some of the tournament.
Well I didn't watch any games last night, but I'll take march madness over the sabres any day.
filled out my first bracket ever this year- maybe I'll actually pay attention this year. I'm so not into sports, but I've always though the tournament was kind of fun. (that and i dated a guy from KU for three years so I kind of had to get into it.)