Yea Sloan is playing TatS
I am pretty excited about this one.
Back in '93 my buddy Brian Jenkins and I saw them @ the Continental. We were 2 of about 15 people at the show. We later concluded since it was directly competing against UB's Springfest with the Headliners being The Black Sheep.
I am think I am going to actually buy my frist T-Shirt @ the square from any band.
I just hope that they play Underwhelmed which was the song that basically summed up the relationship that I had with the girl that I lost my virginity to. She was the Salutorian and I well..Yea. Just listen to the song and read the lyrics.
Then there is "The Other Man" and "The Good in Everyone"
This should be a pretty good time.
Vincent's Journal
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08/24/2006 14:43 #37152
Underwhelmed08/23/2006 11:20 #37151
Interesting MorningCategory: shady
So this morning after a night of being "up to no good" I ended up @ Spot Coffee on Elmwood about 8:30am or so. So here I am in my Jagermeister T-shirt, Casino Hat and jeans surrounded by people dressed with intent. Needless to say I looked like a guy begging for your change in a sea of professionals. Even the guy behind the counter had to ask again to the register what I ordered [earl grey tea] since he actually thought I ordered a amaretto!?!
So I just sat outside played with my phone and ease dropped on a conversation of Real Estate Developers from downstate looking to "Invest" in Downtown, Hertel and Fredonia.
This is what happened when you have too much "darktime" to playwith and you don't have to be at work until Noon.
Current song in my head: Sheryl Crow "All I want to do"
So I just sat outside played with my phone and ease dropped on a conversation of Real Estate Developers from downstate looking to "Invest" in Downtown, Hertel and Fredonia.
This is what happened when you have too much "darktime" to playwith and you don't have to be at work until Noon.
Current song in my head: Sheryl Crow "All I want to do"
08/19/2006 11:03 #37150
getting out of dodgeCategory: trips
So given my current state of life I am taking a much needed excursion out of WNY. So I'm going to NYC for my college buddy's bachlor party. I booked my flight last night and am going to be there Fri, Sat and Sun. It is strange since my one friend D* that is moving away is going to be there at the same time. I also though a couiple of (e:peeps) are heading there as well. I never thought I would go down there since it has been about 10+ years, other than just being @ the airport.
It should be interesting to see how much trouble I can get myself into with a local connection.
It should be interesting to see how much trouble I can get myself into with a local connection.
08/17/2006 20:12 #37149
Fair PicsCategory: goodtimes
So I am in my current lathargic state of being due to a couple of reasons, I am posting somepics of some better times I have had this week:
Messing Around on the Hybrid Metro Bus

My Blue Ribbon

Those Fried Dough Nuggets!!! UUMMM GOOD!!!!

So you don't have to spend $1 to see "THE WORLD"S SMALLEST HORSE" Yea I'm a "mark" as the carnies call suckers like me...

Messing Around on the Hybrid Metro Bus

My Blue Ribbon

Those Fried Dough Nuggets!!! UUMMM GOOD!!!!

So you don't have to spend $1 to see "THE WORLD"S SMALLEST HORSE" Yea I'm a "mark" as the carnies call suckers like me...

08/15/2006 12:53 #37148
Time For some FunCategory: the fair
Well at least when it comes to "America's Fair" or whatever they call the event down in Hamburg. I just need to take in my Americana. I just need to have fun today. Lately I have just been so numb and it is scaring me a bit.
Take for instance work last night. It was weird in the sense that we had an abundance of really NICE people in the room last night. I mean really positive, polite and nice people. To be honest I really didn't know how to take it. Actually it totally threw me off my usual drone frame of mind when I am in that place in the evening. Usually it is the guys that put in more hours in the room that I do, the usual "Rounders." Just last night it was really nice women, a really cool college kid wearing an anime shirt, and a short stocky happy most likely a RE salesman wearing a Keller Williams Hat. Strange indeed, since I really had no clue on how to take people being warm to me at work.
I'm just pumped to go to the Fairgrounds! Being the horse player when I hear the Eric County Agricultural Society advertise their slot machine/harness track where this event is located in Hamburg all I can think in my head is the racetrack in New Orleans of the same name.
All I know is I just have to snap out of this lull that I find myself in. Having a great time today @ the Fair will be an easy feat. The featured events we are going to hit are the Jousting and the Wine Tasting expo. There is always the rides if I am feeling up to it. Even those shady freak shows get a buck out of me once in a while. I just feel that I need to support a part of Americana that originated in Conie Island type of thing. Then if I have any money leftover when the midway closes we will stick around and try our luck at the Slots/OTB side of things.
Take for instance work last night. It was weird in the sense that we had an abundance of really NICE people in the room last night. I mean really positive, polite and nice people. To be honest I really didn't know how to take it. Actually it totally threw me off my usual drone frame of mind when I am in that place in the evening. Usually it is the guys that put in more hours in the room that I do, the usual "Rounders." Just last night it was really nice women, a really cool college kid wearing an anime shirt, and a short stocky happy most likely a RE salesman wearing a Keller Williams Hat. Strange indeed, since I really had no clue on how to take people being warm to me at work.
I'm just pumped to go to the Fairgrounds! Being the horse player when I hear the Eric County Agricultural Society advertise their slot machine/harness track where this event is located in Hamburg all I can think in my head is the racetrack in New Orleans of the same name.
All I know is I just have to snap out of this lull that I find myself in. Having a great time today @ the Fair will be an easy feat. The featured events we are going to hit are the Jousting and the Wine Tasting expo. There is always the rides if I am feeling up to it. Even those shady freak shows get a buck out of me once in a while. I just feel that I need to support a part of Americana that originated in Conie Island type of thing. Then if I have any money leftover when the midway closes we will stick around and try our luck at the Slots/OTB side of things.
The box fan is bigger then he is thanks for putting up the pics I like to see differant peoples view of the same place.
See, I wasn't kiddin about the nuggets