That[inlink]paul,3320[/inlink]sucks. The real loss is to the students who now won't be able to take your classes. That is a ridiculously unnecessary loss.
For what it's worth, from my long-distance disad-vantage point, I would guess some combination of the following played into the decision.
You are wildly qualified for a slew of technical and creative jobs that - to the average person - would be way more glamorous, and certainly more lucrative, than teaching. You made the admirable choice to apply for a teaching job in Buffalo despite that. There's no question how much you wanted that job. But the decision-makers (and I don't think it came direct from Jesus, btw) may have taken it upon themselves to second-guess you. That's just wrong since no one else can decide what you really want.
You are wildly qualified for the teaching job at Canisius and your qualifications are explicitly and exquisitely documented beyond anything they've probably seen before. Why would that work against you? I don't know. I hope it didn't - it certainly shouldn't have. But your extreme talent and versatility may have scared the b'jezus out of the b'jesuits. Bringing a star into their midst could upset a comfortable (more mediocre) status quo.
It really sucks that the jobs where you'd want the very best people (teaching, politics) have so many disadvantages and obstacles that even if you do follow your heart/conscience despite the high cost and questionable rewards, you're probably facing an upward battle - or eventual resignation to the status quo.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go after what you want. Maybe the hardest lesson is even though you may be perfect for the job and demonstrated that definitively and put a huge effort well beyond the norm to get it, you still didn't get it. This time, anyway. If superhuman coding, designing and effort could have made it happen, you would have the job.
It also sucks that with your kick-ass portfolio you could have applied anywhere and immediately been a contender. You applied in a place where you're already established and well-known, but lost out to an unknown. Maybe you're too well-known. You don't just teach digital media - you have created the ultimate digital media platform to record your life and publish the truth as you see it. That might scare them too.
Here's my opportunity to say screw Buffalo and move some place where you'd be appreciated. But I admire you for wanting to make your world a better place. And I know you ARE appreciated there. Not getting the job has no bearing on that.
Anyway, that's how I see it from 3000 miles away. If you really want to know the reason and can convince one of the decision-makers they will be "off the record" (see above), ask them. Otherwise, chalk it up to life isn't always fair and right does not always win out. But don't let that stop you from trying it again.
p.s. - maybe we should start a bitch session site where people can anonymously post how they've been done wrong and I can give them unsolicited advice and other users can rate my advice and put in their two cents. haha! ok, nevermind.
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/12/2005 17:41 #36570
Long view05/10/2005 14:09 #36569
Drizzle PixI'm not taking that [inlink]ajay,349[/inlink] sitting down! In fact, it even got me off my butt long enough to bike down to the beach and take some pictures of this abysmal weather we're having.

Nice thing about living in the East Bay is not only are the temperatures typically 10 degrees warmer than San Francisco, but we also have a great view of the city.
Oh, and if Dr. Lurve ever did want to get an advanced degree in sexology, this would definitely be the place. ;-)
More drizzle pix here:

Nice thing about living in the East Bay is not only are the temperatures typically 10 degrees warmer than San Francisco, but we also have a great view of the city.
Oh, and if Dr. Lurve ever did want to get an advanced degree in sexology, this would definitely be the place. ;-)
More drizzle pix here:

05/09/2005 20:31 #36567
MicroclimatesQuoted from: Apple - Jobs - Internship Program - Apple Environs Bay Area weather is delightful, boasting more than 300 sunny days per year, with temperatures averaging around 50 degrees in the winter, and around 70 degrees in July. Many microclimates broaden the temperature range, from coastal fog areas to warmer inland areas.
Now Steve Jobs would never lie, would he?
04/30/2005 05:14 #36566
You know you're with...... a (mega cute) research scientist when he asks if you're heterosexual. I had to think about it for a minute. That one threw me.
Oh yeah, he is too. Well I'm glad we got that straightened out. haha.
Oh, you've got green eyes
Oh, you've got blue eyes
Oh, you've got grey eyes
Oh yeah, he is too. Well I'm glad we got that straightened out. haha.
Oh, you've got green eyes
Oh, you've got blue eyes
Oh, you've got grey eyes
04/26/2005 17:02 #36565
correctionThere are no other comprehensive directories like that already localized for Alameda. Sure, you can find the same information by putting in the right search criteria in various other directories. But not all of it from any one online directory.
Ok, I'm wrong. These guys