12/31/2004 15:30 #36492
Live from NY
In front of the tree at rockefeller center (pic from my cellphone)
12/29/2004 22:35 #36491
DevastationI heard the devastating news on the radio at my Dad's house. For the record, I don't own, and have never owned, a beach house. Although I've rented one with friends. Also not rich, but working on it.
12/26/2004 22:49 #36490
NostalgiaDad's on a nostalgia kick, which means we got to watch slides.

Dad loading up the projector

My brothers & sister dying Easter eggs. Check out that wallpaper!

Dad with Oma on the back of the moped

My brother and sister and me in our bunkbeds. Those were the days!
Some xmas pix from this year:
12/20/2004 00:52 #36489
e:BondingA few thought before I head East tomorrow.
Really I think it boils down to finding something you're passionate about doing, and someone to do it with. Someone in the same time zone would be nice, but you take what you get.
On recalibrating perception - I think we all project our own ideals onto the blank spaces of others. It's even easier to do these days given the ways we meet people. I think it's a good idea to get a reality check when you can.
Wow, I guess that's it! Seemed so profound before.
12/19/2004 13:38 #36488
Extended Family ChristmasJust got the scoop from Dad. Guess I'm not the only one making last minute travel changes. Does this seem complicated or is it just me?
I fly into Charlotte, NC to my sister's tomorrow. We'll meet Dad and Jean at the Columbia zoo with the kids on Tuesday evening, then all drive to Dad's house in SC. Erik & Alisha get in from Atlanta that night too, but they have to leave early on Christmas eve for a flight to Nebraska to spend Christmas with her family. My sister's husband gets in on Thursday, so I'll have his truck when they all go to Woodruff, SC to spend Christmas afternoon with his family. Dad and Jean are driving to her daughter's place in Tennessee on Sunday, 26th, so I'll meet up with my sister then and caravan back to Charlotte. (Wait, not done yet.) Then, my sister, brother-in-law, three kids and I all pile into their Honda Pilot to drive up to Connecticut to visit my other brother for New Year's Eve. Erik & Alisha fly back to Atlanta on the 30th then take a 6AM flight up to CT/NY on the 31st. Dad just told me he and Jean decided to drive up to CT directly from Memphis for New Year's too. Should be a houseful!
Oh yeah, so I decided as long as I was in the state, I would swing by Buffalo on my way home. If you see someone wandering around Elmwood inappropriately dressed for the weather, it's probably me. Hope to meet some peeps.