For me Skinny Puppy falls into the category of music I think I must have, but I actually don't (except some MP3s I scavanged from a shared music volume at work). Kind of like all the other music ex-roommates, ex-boyfriends, and ex-roommate's boyfriends had that was communal at the time. Keep thinking I should make a music DB so I know what I really do have, what I only have on vinyl, etc. I've bought two PDA software packages for that purpose alone (one for the Newton and one for the Palm), but I haven't done it yet. I keep hoping it will just become an extension of my iTunes library, which it probably already is if I just bothered to find a way to export it.
(e:Drchlorine) - have you checked out any of the Rough Trade collections? I picked up their 25 year boxed set

Sounds like a fun time at Allen Street Hardware last night. I hear the sausage was mighty tasty.