Lucky yes, but (e:lilho) rarely cooks for me, especially not bacon. I try and get her to but somehow I always end up being the cook .
I do it better anyway ;-)
Thesimeon's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/07/2005 23:22 #36182
toast and oranges01/18/2005 22:36 #36181
studying shmudying[inlink]lisa,163[/inlink]
I have often wondered that very same thing (e:lisa). I am lucky if i spend 3 hours in an entire semester studying.
I have often wondered that very same thing (e:lisa). I am lucky if i spend 3 hours in an entire semester studying.
01/18/2005 22:21 #36180
Well...I am back after a long long time of inactivity. Looks like 2 months absent. Ah well. The last two months have been full of activity indeed, as have everyone's I am sure. Started school today....not much going on there. Just more mind control. This is going to be a long entry. I know (e:lilho) seems to think we should restrict our entry's length but i need the space. Sorry (e:lilho). The problem today is social security. I have been hearing so much about social security being 'broken' that it is hard not to add my two cents to the issue. Put simply, there is no problem. The only reasons we are hearing so much about the 'social security crisis' is a magnificent propaganda campaign on the part of those who want to 'reform' social security. Lets talk facts here: Social security status, you will hear commonly when you are given numbers, is measured with what is called the dependency ratio. This is the ratio of 20 and older people in the country who are wage earners as compared to total population over 20. This will naturally become greater with time as our population grows much faster than the number of jobs created. A more useful indicator is if the same number is taken from age 0 and on, you will find, and probably not surprisingly, that this number does not change much. An extremely important fact to remember here is that we educated this whole demographic of our population when they were children, and we will certainly be able to take care them as an elderly population. The problem with their 'facts' is that they are derived from sketchy and sometimes even false science. First of all, the social security trustee's make their predictions 75 years in advance. They make these predictions and phrase them as inevitable fact. (Such and such will occur in 2013 etc etc). If you ask any wall street big shot what is going to happen on the market tomorrow (assuming he is honest) he will tell you its anybodies guess, which is true. The trustees also are making absurd economic growth predictions. They claim our GDP will grow 1.7% in 2032 which is inexplicably low. It has never been that low except for in the 1930's and very brief periods of depression (in any case it has never lasted long). They say our solution is to put the funds into the stock market and everything should be okay. There are several problems with this however. The stock market is inextricably linked to our economic growth. This would be one of the most fundamental concepts taught in stock market 101. If our economic growth is measured to be so low (1.7%) why is it that our funds will be so safe in the market? The true problem with social security as I see it is the fact that is regressively funded. There is a cap at 72,600 dollars, meaning a family making 1 million dollars is taxed on $72, 600 and the other $927, 400 are left alone (in terms of S.S. taxation) whereas a family making $50,000 is taxed on all of it. The funding for this program needs to be much more progressive and that will be a wonderful start to the social security reform we so desperately need. Now, this family of making $1 million has the fiscal resources to take the risk associated with pouring retirement dollars into the market. Certainly not the family making $50,000. The reforms currently being introduced will work to make the system more regressive, the burden will increase on the poor (even more than it is now) and lessen on the rich. The other, more obvious question that i hear many fail to ask is, why are we pressing so hard to introduce all this money into the market. There is one thing we can say for sure if that happens, that it will be a bonanza for wall street.
11/10/2004 23:02 #36179
governmentsecret service, "ekonomies", interest rates, debt, credit, 30000000000 square feet house, Hummer H2, forcing my 3 children into 15 different hobbies that I believe will make them better people, country lines, state lines, health care that costs money (whats that all about???), flu shots, never being satisfied, never having enough, believing you are the only one that matters/ is smart enough, READ MY LIPS: [size=xxl]TELEVISION [/size], entitlement complexes, superiority complexes, inferiority complexes, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, all the countries that just totally fucked up what socialism is about, no fly lists, complaining (yes, i am probably doing that right now), starvation, killing, unemployment rates, riots, genocide.
is it a totally crazy idea constantly dream of a world in which human beings are capable of having a society in which individual countries are not necessary? In which governments are not necessary? In which science is free - am i going into the wrong profession? you bet! am I going to do it forever (hell no!) The logic of my field of study is completely fucking with my head. We are charging people money because we know something about their own body that they don't . Do i dream of a world where possessiveness doesn't exist? (yes) Do i believe it could happen in my time (yes but only if something catastrophic happens, war, bombs, complete annihilation) Do i believe that it is completely wrong to bring a child up in this world (why sometimes, yes that is exactly how i feel)
but then again, i am no different that the people that i am complaining about, they want to have the world their way, I want to have it mine. They are winning right now.
is it a totally crazy idea constantly dream of a world in which human beings are capable of having a society in which individual countries are not necessary? In which governments are not necessary? In which science is free - am i going into the wrong profession? you bet! am I going to do it forever (hell no!) The logic of my field of study is completely fucking with my head. We are charging people money because we know something about their own body that they don't . Do i dream of a world where possessiveness doesn't exist? (yes) Do i believe it could happen in my time (yes but only if something catastrophic happens, war, bombs, complete annihilation) Do i believe that it is completely wrong to bring a child up in this world (why sometimes, yes that is exactly how i feel)
but then again, i am no different that the people that i am complaining about, they want to have the world their way, I want to have it mine. They are winning right now.
11/03/2004 22:30 #36177
The majority of peoplethat I hear talking about this current administration blame them for all the evil going on in this country. With all due repect to the office of the presidency, it doesn't hold that much power. I choose to blame the people to sit idly by and let this all happen. The problems in this country aren't the fault of the Roves or the Bushes or the Cheneys of the country, its the fault of the american people.Which is exactly why Kerry WOULD NOT HAVE FIXED A FUCKING THING.
I can't identify with another popular sentiment either, that is shame to be an american. But not shame because we elected Bush again.Shame because of a moral issue greater than any one of us, or george bush or karl rove or dick cheney. How DARE those people in those 11 states
consider themselves american just like me. I am proud to be an american because real americans stand up for the disinfranchised and repressed. They are passionate and compasionate and empathetic and intelligent . They don't create laws to devalue other human beings. WE ARE NOT THE ONES THAT SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
I can't identify with another popular sentiment either, that is shame to be an american. But not shame because we elected Bush again.Shame because of a moral issue greater than any one of us, or george bush or karl rove or dick cheney. How DARE those people in those 11 states
