Terry's Journal
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03/15/2005 18:00 #35709
Cant' get much more liberal than thatOn Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Strong Liberal (5)
Wonder where I missed those 5 point at?
03/08/2005 00:49 #35708
Joe Jackson
Now -
The mist across the window hides the lines
But nothing hides the colour of the lights that shine
Electricity so fine
Look and dry your eyes
We -
So tired of all the darkness in our lives
With no more angry words to say
Can come alive
Get into a car and drive
To the other side
Me babe - steppin out
Into the night
Into the light
You babe - steppin out
Into the night
Into the light
We -
Are young but getting old before our time
We'll leave the T.V. and the radio behind
Don't you wonder what we'll find
Steppin out tonight
You -
Can dress in pink and blue just like a child
And in a yellow taxi turn to me and smile
We'll be there in just a while
If you follow me
Me babe - steppin out
Into the night
Into the light
You babe - steppin out
Into the night
Into the light
03/06/2005 00:50 #35706
how fast can you see?Well that's the begininng of my thought last night, as I watched some movie or other with (e:matthew). The films we use nowadays show 24 images within every second (used to be much less, that's why old films seem to flicker). So I asked myself what kind of boundary was this. Logic tells us that every second can be broken down into an infinite amount of intervals, thus an infinite amount of scenes or frames. Our photoresistors (the cones and rods in our eyes) are only able (programmed?) to recognize a certain number of images in every second. But, I thought there are other animals that would have to recognize more. Think of a humminbird or dragonfly whose wings are beating hundreds to thousands of times per second. Our eyes can barely catch one in full tilt, yet they glide effortlessly, avoiding obstacles and visiting barely visible nectar goblets.They must see faster, right? (e:Matthew) and I couldn't agree on the answer, so I looked it up.
If you look up Frame Rate

Apparently pigeons have been shown to have a higher threshold than humans (don't ask me which tests were used to determine this), and other mammals possess more rods and cones in their eyes than humans. All of which means it's entirely possible that the hummingbird is seeing much faster than we are.
Is seeing twice as fast like living twice as long? Think of all the stuff flying by right now that you're not even bothering to perceive. Your computer could have de- and re-materialized 97 times in the last second and you wouldn't have even noticed!
03/03/2005 22:57 #35705
Was it Broken Social Scene?Not to sure myself but if it was, then I have a whole CD of them. I stoled it from (e:Hodown) as she chillaxed at our new pad.