Well, I looked through the thing and right off the bat spotted some problems. I work a full pay period - 80 hrs. I work another - 80 hrs. Total time worked so far - 16 hrs. What's that? Maybe you forgot a fucking zero, and lost 144 hrs. there buddy! Another pay period had me as working just one week instead of two - 32 hrs. difference. After I had dissected the thing, I came to the conclusion that I was behind 292 hrs. (almost a month of full-time work). I should have received my raise three weeks ago. I guess that's what you get when working for the government though. At least they're going to fix it and credit me with the lost pay, just sucks that I had to fix it for them.
sidenoteish: On our last pay stubs we got a little reminder to vote in November. It very nicely told us that we could use administrative leave to vote if necessary. Take a look:

Notice anything wrong? Maybe something to do with when the election is? Yes, that's right, they've got the wrong fucking date. The election is on the 2nd not the 4th. Now I'm not saying this was intentional (though it's a fact that the highly unionized federal workforce generally favors Democratic candidates) but it's a least pretty fucking lazy. Hasn't everyone of us who's at least sorta intersted in politics heard the date, 11/2, like 1000 times this season? How is it that the D.C. employee (most likely a GS-15, see above payscale) who submitted this little helpful blurb was unaware of the correct date? I will say, to be forthright, that they did have a correction on the website this morning, which hopefully everyone who may have been led astray saw. Time will tell just how many feds are standing in line to vote two weeks from Thursday.